The lord is looking at me

Chapter 464 What a high price

Chapter 464 What a high price
When the sound of the gong finally stopped at fifty beats, the venue finally fell silent, and everyone looked at the little phantom beast on the stage in the middle, and couldn't believe their eyes.

It has been a long time since this auction venue has seen such a high number, no matter how precious the Horcrux is, it cannot be sold at such a price.

There is another little phantom beast recording on everyone's table, and the soul fighters in the field have started to record one by one.

In those private rooms on the second floor, there were quite a few prices that had already been called. While the soul warriors were recording, everyone present also began to lock up the results.

Soon, those soul masters had handed over the final results to the device soul master.

Looking at the piece of paper in his hand, the soul master was a little surprised, because tonight's bidding starts with the numbers on the table. If he remembers correctly, the owners represented by the above numbers are all worth a lot of money. of.

Unexpectedly, because of what happened last night, so many rich masters came today.

"This round of auction is over." Looking at the tail rings handed over by those soul masters, the soul master began to count them in front of the attendants sent by the winners.

Looking at the busy figure on the stage, some people who didn't get it started to plan to leave, feeling much more boring.

Everyone came here tonight for those ores, and now the ores have been bought, so naturally they have to leave here.

After counting the gold coins in those tail rings, the tool soul master walked towards the backstage with a plate.

"This is the gold coin for this time." Put the plate directly on the table, motioning for the other party to start counting.

Wei Yue nodded. There seemed to be strong people behind this place. I always feel that coming here is very reliable, and the people who come here don't dare to make mistakes.

"Yue'er, there are so many gold coins. It's almost [-] here, right?" Looking at the color of the tail ring, he knew that he could store a lot of gold coins. Looking at it, Wei Yan couldn't help but sigh.

"According to the quality of the ore, we sold a total of nearly 9000 gold coins this time. The next step is to auction off those defective products." Regarding their reaction, the soul master was much calmer now.

Although he had seen a lot of gold coins, it was the first time that he had so many bids at one time. Although he was a little nervous, things were still proceeding in an orderly manner.

Wei Yue nodded, "You can take all of these, as much as you can ask for, I don't care."

Looking at the gold coins in front of him, it shouldn't be a problem to buy that herbal medicine tomorrow.

Seeing that she said so, the soul master carefully put the dozen or so defective products on the other side of the table into the plate, planning to conduct another auction.

Looking at the figure slowly walking away in front, Wei Yue looked at the tail ring in her hand, and slowly clenched her fists. She was determined to get the herb tomorrow. Thinking of Brother Feng's injury, she must not fail this time.

Looking at the small figure with extremely firm eyes, although Wei Yan didn't know what happened, his intuition told him that it must be a very important matter.

"Next, let's call for the price of this product." The soul master carried the plate and walked to the middle table, cleared his throat, and began to announce calmly.

At this time, some people in the venue had already left because of the bidding just now, and the rest of the people's eyes lit up when they heard that there were still defective products.

Although they can't afford those high-quality ores, it's good to have a defective product!
Although the defective ore is mixed with a lot of impurities, if it is used as a material refiner, it is still useful, at least several times better than ordinary materials.

The big shots sitting in the private room were also planning to leave, but when they heard that there were still defective products, they all became interested in the owner of the auction.

It's surprising enough that someone is desperately looking for ore, but it's really curious to find so many at once.

"This time, the low price is [-] gold coins, and a gong is [-] gold coins. Because of the quantity, as long as you enter the top [-], you can get ore, and distribute it according to the quality of the defective products." Tool Soul Master Bian As he said that, with the help of the soul warriors beside him, he began to sort out the ores one by one according to their degree.

Looking at the faintly fluorescent ores on the stage at this time, although they are not as dazzling as those of the best ones, they are better than nothing, so soon, the gong sounded again in the venue.

Those who had already left the meeting place were surprised when they heard the sound of the gong coming from the meeting place on the road, and had to turn back to check the situation.

Because of the joining of those people, the whole venue became lively again.

Looking at the lively scene in the hall outside, Wei Yan was a little surprised, "Yue'er, this ore is so valuable, but there are so many defective products vying for it."

Wei Yue nodded. She hadn't thought of this, and she was a little surprised. If she knew this, shouldn't she keep some for herself?

However, although those ores seemed to have good qualifications, none of them caught her eye. This was probably one of the reasons why she didn't want to keep them.

"We're going to make a lot of money now." Hearing the melodious sound of the gong, Wei Yan felt joy in his heart, and he had already started counting the number of times the gong sounded.

Because in the background, you can only vaguely see the situation in front, so naturally you can't see the number on the little phantom beast clearly.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The sound of the gong in the venue kept ringing like before.

The instrument soul master looked at the numbers that continued to accumulate on the little phantom beast, and couldn't help wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

These are all defective products, so there are so many people scrambling for them?

"Yue'er, it's twenty." Hearing the voices outside, Wei Yan became agitated for a while.

"Although this product is not as good as those good ones, the quality of the ore mixed in it is still good, and it is not bad for refining weapons." Wei Yue was drinking tea, and his performance at this time was much calmer.

It seems that these defective products can also be sold at a good price.

Gradually, the sound of the gongs outside seemed to become less fast than before, and someone had faintly stopped.

Anyway, as long as there is a share in the top thirteen, everyone doesn't care.

"25 beeps, the bidding is over." Soon, the tool soul master began to announce the final result.

Although this is unbelievable, it is also true.

The people present naturally also noticed the count on the little phantom beast, and felt a little bit emotional in their hearts. It was just a fine product, but it could be sold for a high price of more than 1000.

It is conceivable how many people dream of this ore.

(End of this chapter)

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