Jia Ru can come back

Chapter 210 It's About Separation

Chapter 210 It's About Separation

Suddenly, Mi Li said, "Mom, I'm hungry."

Suddenly regretted, just now I was so angry that I forgot that the rice grains were still hungry.The prawns have been wasted, so I can only quickly serve a bowl of noodles to the rice grains. After all, the child has no heart and no lungs. When he saw the noodles, he had completely forgotten the previous unpleasantness, and he ate deliciously.Seeing him eating seriously, I couldn't help but startled, and suddenly asked: "Mi Li, if mom separates from you in the future, will you miss mom?"

When Mi Li heard this, her mouth was deflated and tears filled her eyes, "Is mom still angry with Mi Li?"

"No," I shook my head quickly, "Mom just asked if."

But for Mi Li, "if" has no meaning, she said firmly to me: "I don't want to be separated from my mother."

"Does Mi Li miss his father?" I kept staring at Mi Li's expression after I asked this sentence. This question has never been raised between our mother and child. Ever since I was a child, Mi Li has never asked me who his father is, but That is to ask, not much curiosity.

At this time, after hearing my question, Mi Li took a big mouthful of braised noodle soup before saying, "I don't want to."


"Because I haven't met my father, what do I think?" He answered seriously.

After a moment of silence, I said, "If you let Uncle Zhou be your father, would you like it?"

Mi Li tilted her head and thought for a while, then said puzzledly, "But he is an uncle, how can he be my father?"

I was caught by his question. Mi Li's concept of "father" is really vague. I asked him who his father was before, but he was just curious when he saw a classmate's father coming to pick him up.

This communication ended with my frustration.

After I finished washing the rice grains and put me to bed, I remembered that I called Tang Jin earlier. I saw that it was only nine o'clock, and I guess I was still asleep, so I called again.

When Tang Jin's mobile phone was connected, the first thing I heard was the sound of typing on the keyboard. I couldn't help asking: "Lawyer Tang, did I bother you?"

"No." Tang Jin's voice came over, "Jia Ru, since you are already a partner, you don't need to be so distant and polite to me. I will call you by your name directly. Did you coax your son well just now?"

I responded lightly, "I'm already asleep."

Tang Jin laughed softly, "Tell me about what happened tonight."

After I told the story, Tang Jin first pointed out: "It is indeed your fault. Children are easily affected by adults' emotions, and your anxiety will infect him. When you use fire improperly and cause a kitchen accident , Mi Li has already been frightened, and if you snatch his watch again, it will make him feel even more frightened. In the future, you must remember to restrain your emotions and don't let your child have a similar experience, otherwise the child will only be tempted to tell the truth in court Having said all that, it will become a negative argument against you.”

I saved myself, I thought of this when Tang Jin ordered me to appease Mi Li immediately.

Tang Jin asked: "What caused such emotional fluctuations? You are usually a very calm person, and it has something to do with Zhou?"

Really hit the nail on the head, this person's eyes are too poisonous!

My acquiescence caused him to ask: "Aren't you going to tell me?"

I briefly stated the scene when I ran into Zhou Yu in the evening, but Tang Jin said, "That's not what I want to hear."

I know that I took the initiative to call and talk before, but I was depressed at the time, and I was a little impulsive when I was agitated by the rice grains, but now that my reason has returned, I can’t help but hesitate again. I have repeatedly told myself not to think about the past and look forward. just because...

Forget the past.

"Jia Ru, hesitation, retreat, and hesitation are your current state. If you are still a proprietress, these emotions are OK, and no one will take care of you, but you are now signing a contract with my firm, and you are a lawyer. It is time Time to restore your composure and professionalism."

I was shocked, my eyes flickered, and finally said: "It's a long story, let's talk to you outside tomorrow."

"Okay, let's have dinner together at noon, I will decide the place."

I arrived at noon the next day as scheduled. Tang Jin booked a Chinese restaurant, which didn't have private rooms, but had separate booths.

Tang Jin had arrived early when I arrived, and he handed over the menu in a gentlemanly manner.I waved my hand to indicate that he can order. After the waiter took the menu and placed the order, Tang Jin poured me a cup of tea from the table and pushed it in front of me.

Although he didn't urge me, this move actually reminded me to start.

I took a sip of the tea, the green tea was slightly bitter but refreshing.

I said: That is a story related to parting.

There is a kind of parting, which is wiping tears and not daring to look back.

The time goes back to that year when I was quarantined by the Investigation Bureau. I went to the hospital for an obstetric examination, but ran out of the car on the way back and was almost hit by a car. It was Zhou Yu who suddenly appeared behind me and took the hit for me.

At that time, he was covered in blood. When the ambulance came, he was already in a severe coma. I saw the bumper of the car was broken when he was lifted by the stretcher, and the fracture was pulled on his back, leaving a big bloody mouth. , the blood has spread all over the back of the clothes.

I went with the car, and when I arrived at the hospital Zhou Yu was sent to the emergency room.A few times in the middle, the nurse came out and said that the injured had lost too much blood and was dying, so that the family members were mentally prepared.

When Zhou Yu's parents arrived, Zhou Yu hadn't come out of the operating room yet. Zhou's mother rushed over and slapped me severely, yelling that I killed her son.I stood there stubbornly and said word by word: Zhou Gongjin will not die.

Tell them this, and tell yourself the same!Zhou Gongjin will never die.

Finally, after more than ten hours, the lights in the operating room went out, and the doctor came out. Zhou’s family rushed to ask about the situation before me. The doctor said that the situation was not optimistic. Serious, with multiple injuries on his body, he must first be arranged to be observed in the intensive care unit.

When Zhou Yu was pushed out, Zhou's mother screamed and fell down.

Zhou Yu at that time can almost be described as completely unrecognizable. He was covered from head to toe with gauze, lying motionless on the cart, showing no signs of life.

I watched him being pushed into the intensive care unit, and suddenly my body went limp, and my eyes turned black.

The first thing I did when I woke up was to ask about Zhou Yu's situation, but when I saw my mother, she hesitated to speak. At that time, my heart sank to the bottom, thinking that there was bad news, and ran to him unwillingly, but what I saw It was an empty intensive care unit.

I was almost frantically grabbing the nurse to question people, and my mother rushed over and told me that Zhou Yu was taken away by Zhou's family.When I was in a coma, the Zhou family handled the transfer procedures for Zhou Yu. My mother didn't know where she was transferred, and the hospital refused to say.And my mother said that Zhou's mother seemed to have fallen down too, and the two of them were pushed away together.

From this day on, I never saw Zhou Yu again.I searched all the hospitals in city A, even ward by ward, but I couldn't find him.I had to accept the fact that Zhou Yu was taken away from City A!
Maybe it was because I was too exhausted during those days, which caused the baby in my stomach to fluctuate greatly. During the birth examination, the doctor told me that the amniotic fluid was too low, which might cause the baby to suffocate.After trying various methods, I had no choice but to have an early caesarean section.

However, bad luck did not leave me.When the rice grains were being born, I suffered a massive hemorrhage during the caesarean section, and I almost died on the operating table, so that after giving birth to the rice grains, I lay on the bed for more than a month.

Seeing me like this, my mother almost cried and went blind, and advised me again and again to stop thinking about those things and focus on the child.

But I couldn’t help it. When I closed my eyes, I saw the scene of Zhou Yu’s head covered in blood. When I fell asleep, I always heard him asking me dying in my dream: Jia Xiaoru, if I could do it all over again, would you forgive me?

After a full three months of languishing, I started to cheer up again, because the matter about Zhou Yu investigated by the client had some clues.

The specific is not where Zhou Yu is, but Zhou Nian's address in the United States.What I can confirm is that their family has all left China, but I don't know Zhou Nian's address in the United States. I have already applied for a visa to the United States while waiting.

Entrusting the rice grains to my mother, I embarked on the road to the United States to find Zhou Yu alone.

It was a... It can be said that it was a difficult road. The address of Zhou Nian who came to investigate was incorrect. He had registered it before, but he had changed his address long ago.And since I went to the United States, I couldn't return without success, so I asked around, searched, and even took a photo of Zhou Nian to ask.Seeing that the visa time is coming to an end, but still have no clue.

It may be that Huangtian pays off, and I actually asked an insider.It was one of Zhou Nian's business partners, he pointed me to the correct address, I hurried there and finally met Zhou Nian.

It's just that the way Zhou Nian looked at me was colder than when he returned to China.

He flatly rejected my request to see Zhou Yu, and drove me away mercilessly.I went to guard under his company every day, so I could only meet him briefly, and didn't even let me finish my conversation.

My body was already depleted by raw rice grains, and after running around and exhausted both physically and mentally, I finally passed out in front of Zhou Nian's car due to exhaustion.The first thing I saw when I woke up was not Zhou Nian, but his wife Han Jingxue, that always gentle woman looked at me with sympathy and asked: Jia Ru, why are you doing this?

I begged her to tell me Zhou Yu's whereabouts. When she hesitated, I said: As a woman, if her husband disappeared quietly, what would she do?In the end, Han Jingxue told me softly.

When I left, I thanked Han Jingxue, knowing in my heart that if Zhou Nian hadn't nodded her head, Han Jingxue would never have revealed it.No matter why Zhou Nian changed his mind, I am finally sure of one thing - Zhou Yu is still alive.

It's just that Zhou Yu is in the UK.

(End of this chapter)

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