Jia Ru can come back

Chapter 34 Quarrel

Chapter 34 Quarrel
Zhou Yu raised his voice, "Jia Xiaoru, do you think I'm such a sneaky person?"

"Then how do you explain why the surveillance in the surrounding area is good, but the one closest to the scene of the car accident is bad?"

"The devil knows! The surveillance probe is not in charge of our police station, you have to ask the traffic control department."

I raised my chin and said sarcastically: "Traffic control department? With your current status as Director Zhou, go to the traffic control department to say hello. It may be easy to sell a surveillance video."

"Alright! Alright! Alright!" He walked three times in a row, gnashing his teeth at the back, then turned and left.

When he got to the door of the meeting room, he suddenly turned back, grabbed my arm and dragged it out, "Come back with me."

I was dragged away for a few steps before I realized, "Zhou Gongjin, let me go." He didn't listen, and continued to drag me away. I tried hard to break his palm, and my nails accidentally scratched the back of his hand, leaving a bloodstain .

Zhou Yu paused.

He finally got angry, and the hand that clasped my arm became more intense, and the pain made me frown.He asked me coldly: "Since you have already found the evidence you are looking for, why are you staying here? If you have any questions, let's go home and discuss them."

Originally, it was absolutely impossible for me to listen to him in this situation, but his last sentence hit me right.

After all, this is not a private place, and personal grievances should not be resolved here.

When I got out of the courthouse, I shouted at Zhou Yu: "Let go, I'll drive back by myself." He stared at me for a few seconds, then reached out to me, "Give me the car keys."

At first, he was taken aback for a moment, and looked around but did not see his car parked nearby.

I raised my chin, "Take a taxi and go back."

Zhou Yu sneered, dragged me and walked towards the car. From the corner of my eye, the security guard at the door poked his head out to check, maybe he thought we were going to fight.I gritted my teeth, took out the keys from my bag, and Zhou Yu snatched them away, opened the car door, and sat in the driver's seat in one go.He opened the back door awkwardly and was about to get in when he raised his voice coldly: "Do you think I'm the driver?"

I couldn't help but sneered, and said back: "Isn't it you who rushed to be the one?"

Still sitting in the back seat, why not have a free driver.

When the car started, the air outside the car was slightly cool, and the inside of the car also froze as if the air-conditioning was turned on.Looking out of the window, there are fallen leaves all over the road under the street lamp. It turns out that it has already entered late autumn.Suddenly, the night of late autumn many years ago flashed before my eyes. I was also sitting in the car watching the shadows of the trees receding, and the temperature in my eyes faded.

When the car was parked downstairs in the apartment building, I thought this is not a good battlefield, I might as well go upstairs and go home.

But when I went to the elevator, I found that Zhou Yu hadn't followed. The elevator door opened, and I stepped inside and turned around. I saw him still sitting in the driver's seat - smoking a cigarette.Pressing the floor, the door slowly closed, and at the last moment of closing, he turned his head.

gloomy eyes.

When I opened the door, the room was deserted. I changed my slippers and was about to go in. When I passed the kitchen, I subconsciously turned my head and glanced.Walking into the kitchen, there is a pot on the gas stove, the water in the pot is white and turbid, and the white takeaway box on the sink is exactly Zhou Yu's dumpling.

So, he didn't go to the store to buy the dumplings and pass them by, but he cooked them himself when he came back?

Suddenly feeling very angry, he picked up the pot and threw it into the sink, and threw the remaining few takeaway boxes into the trash can.

(End of this chapter)

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