Chapter 60
Before returning to my seat, I went to the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face to clear my mind.When I was doing the entry work again, I was absent-minded, made frequent mistakes, deleted and re-edited, and the entry of a case was not completed until the end of get off work.

I didn't go to Xiaodong anymore, I just sent the finished document directly to his mailbox, and left after get off work.

I drove back to the apartment downstairs, pushed the car door and walked a few steps and remembered that the car was not locked. When I turned back to lock it, I suddenly looked around, and I subconsciously drove the car back to my apartment.

The house upstairs was empty, but the toiletries and a change of clothes were taken to Zhou Yu's place, and he ran back to live without saying anything.He had to sit back in the driver's seat and drive towards his apartment.

At the red light at the intersection, I stopped the car and waited. Suddenly, I felt the body shake and I rushed forward.

Turning around in shock, he immediately realized that someone was chasing him.

When I got out of the car, I saw a white CC on the back of my car, and a young woman got out of the car.She looked at the front of the car and came to blame me: "Why did you stop suddenly? Can you drive?"

I was not in the mood to argue with the other party. The traffic police in the middle of the road had already noticed that there was an accident here and were coming over.

In order to avoid traffic jams, both vehicles were ordered to move to the side of the road, and it was dark by the time the traffic police finished processing.I should take the insurance and settle the claim, but I put it off until tomorrow.

In front of Zhou Yu's apartment, I pressed the fingerprint lock and wondered why he didn't call me?

But when I opened the door, I found that the room was pitch black and silent. He hasn't come back yet?And what about Zhou Liang?Is it gone?

Call Zhou Yu, the voice prompts that the caller is not in the service area.

Suddenly, my mood fell to the bottom, and nothing went well throughout the day.

I searched around the room to make sure that Zhou Liang was not in the house.In the kitchen, the milk bottle and the leftover silk that he had opened in the morning were still thrown on the stove.Annoyed, I swept them all into the trash can.

One person brought a bowl of white water noodles, which was tasteless.

Hearing movement from outside the door, Zhou Yu opened the door and came in while his eyes were shifting. His face seemed a little gloomy when his gaze swept over.

When I asked him why it was so late, he replied that something was delayed in the institute.

Walking over to see me half-eaten white noodle soup, he frowned and asked, "Why don't you eat it until now?"

"I was rear-ended when I came back from get off work, and the traffic police were delayed in dealing with the accident."

"Work? Aren't you on vacation?"

It was only then that I remembered that I didn't tell him about it, "Yesterday, I sold my vacation with Xiao Dong."

His face sank immediately: "When did you tell him? When Zhou Xiao came to make trouble?"

I don't understand why Xiao Dong has become a minefield, and it explodes at one point.But I still have to tell the truth: "No, I sent him a message later to sell the fake."

"Then why hide it from me?"

I explained patiently: "I didn't hide it from you, I just forgot to tell you."

"Forgot?" His tone raised, there was displeasure in his eyes, and there was more sarcasm in his expression: "I'm afraid it was on purpose."

"I don't want to quarrel with you." After finishing the sentence, he was about to get up, but he grabbed his arm and asked solemnly: "Is it really so hard for you to live here? Don't you even want to stay in this house for one more minute?"

I took a deep breath and told the truth: "I canceled the vacation because your second brother came over. If you go to work and there are only me and him in the room, it will feel very awkward. Thinking about it, it's better to sell the vacation and go to work anyway. "

I thought he would be able to understand this explanation, but he sneered and said in a bad tone: "Did you throw the blame on the second child? He left early in the morning. Even if he didn't leave, how can you avoid him?" Are you in such a hurry to avoid it?"

Over and over again, my patience was finally worn out.

"Yes, I just want to avoid him! I don't like being alone with him under the same roof, can't I?" I also raised my voice at the back.I'm my sister-in-law, and he's my second uncle. Is it appropriate for the two of us to be alone in the same room?What's more, Zhou Liang sarcastically asked me to separate from Zhou Yu in the morning!
Hearing my loud voice, Zhou Yu yelled furiously, "The ones you avoid are my family members. Do you want to never see my family members in your life?"

I suddenly condensed him and asked back: "Did you let me meet?"

He raised his eyebrows: "Isn't the second child a human being?"

Shaking his head with a smile, he really thought he was joking, "Zhou Gongjin, you don't understand what I'm asking. I'm afraid you haven't told your parents about our marriage certificate. Maybe you want to say that my mother mentioned it. At that time, I also vetoed the banquet, but it does not mean that I can tolerate being hidden in your golden house, what am I?"

"What do I think you are? You can actually ask me that. What else are you other than my wife? Huh?"

Zhou Yu's eyes were full of anger, and the little stars turned into burning flames, and the palm on my arm tightened.

It was very painful, but I gritted my teeth and endured it.

It was a meaningless quarrel, he didn't think he was at fault, I felt wronged, no result after arguing for many nights.

After the silence fell, Zhou Yu's wheezing was clear from the outside.It is already very cold outside now, but he is still wearing a windbreaker and a shirt inside. If you look closely, even his nose is red from the cold.

The palm that was holding my arm gradually loosened, he turned his face, and after a while murmured: "I'm in a bad mood."

Rarely, he was apologizing to me.Although awkward, but I feel good.

"Have you eaten yet?" I changed the subject, my tone still a little blunt.

He glanced at the cold noodles on the table, "I've eaten outside, so don't eat this noodles, order takeaway."

It's already tasteless, so I didn't object.

After I packed the noodle bowls into the kitchen and came out, I found Zhou Yu standing on the balcony smoking a cigarette, looking a bit desolate from the back.

Thinking back to the moment when he entered the door, it seems that something really happened.I was hesitating whether to go forward. The two had just had an argument, which might only add to the negative emotions. Zhou Yu turned around while hesitating.

The light in the house formed a contrast with the dark balcony, and the floor-to-ceiling glass sliding door separated me from him like a boundary.

The momentary feeling made me very uncomfortable, so I walked over and opened the sliding door without much hesitation. After seeing his face clearly, I felt relieved, and asked, "Isn't it cold outside?"

He replied: "It's okay."

The cold wind hit my face and made me shiver.

His eyes flashed, he walked up and put his arms around my shoulders and walked in, "Go in."

I smelled the faint smell of smoke on his body and the obvious coolness, but I couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong with you today? What's going on in the institute?" speak.

But unexpectedly after walking two steps, he suddenly said: "Li You has entered the hospital again."

With a heavy heart, he looked at him in surprise.

He turned his head, and there was something I couldn't fathom in his dark eyes, "Do you still remember Li You, the victim in the school bullying case? He fell from the window of his house early this morning, and he is still alive because his head hit the ground. in a coma."

"How could this be?"

The corners of his mouth curled up, but there was no smile in his eyes, "Who knows? The neighbors found out. They said they only heard a loud bang, and they came out to see that the person had fallen there."

"Which floor does he live on?"

"You should be lucky." Zhou Yu suddenly said, "It's lucky that his family's environment is not good, he can't afford a house in the city, and the building he built has only two floors. Otherwise, he wouldn't have to be hospitalized at this time."

During the day, I just had an argument with Xiao Dong because of the campus bullying case. At this time, I heard that such an accident happened, so I couldn't help thinking whether it was related to the previous incident?But I can't ask this question, and I'm not qualified to ask it.

"Maybe Li You is going to drop out of school."

Hearing this, I was stunned and asked, "Why?"

Zhou Yu said mockingly: "Why else, I have no money."

"But now middle school is not compulsory education, isn't the tuition fee too high?"

"The tuition fee is not high, but those extracurricular remedial classes are surprisingly expensive." The implication is that Li You's repeated absences from school must not keep up with the school's curriculum, but he has no money to take remedial classes outside.

"Jia Xiaoru," Zhou Yu called me suddenly, "I won't detour with you. Zhang Jiahao's family didn't compensate Li You a dime except for the limited medical expenses. And his mother was found to have uremia. Now you Do you understand why he would rather endure his grievances and agree to your private reconciliation? But, what is the result? "

I was speechless.

Maybe I wasn't the straw that broke the camel's back, but I was the one who threw that straw.

Xiao Dong said that laws can restrain people's behavior, but they cannot control people's morality.Zhang Jiahao's father could promise to pay high compensation on the one hand, but on the other hand he could not keep his word.Whether it was the court or Zhou Yu's police station, no one could do anything about him. It was impossible to arrest and convict someone just because he didn't pay the promised money in private.

I understand this truth, and Zhou Yu naturally understands it too.

That's why he came back to vent his anger on me, blaming me for my eloquent tongue at the time, and blaming him for not persisting.

The phone on the coffee table was ringing, and Zhou Yu walked over, probably because the takeaway had arrived.

But he knew it wasn't from the delivery boy at the first sentence he answered: "Are you awake? I'll be right over." Putting down the phone, he walked towards the door without saying a word. I quickly called him: "Is Li You in the hospital? woke up?"

"Well, I'll go over and have a look, you go to bed first."

"I'll go too."

After a moment of silence, he refused me: "Don't go, wait until I see the situation." After a pause, "According to his neighbor, he felt something was wrong with this child two days ago, and he always sat on the window sill in a daze, so It is judged that he may have jumped off a building."

Zhou Yu opened the door and left, but I was in a daze for a long time without returning to my senses.

He said that Li You may have jumped off a building.

What kind of desperate situation is it going to make a young man choose to commit suicide?

(End of this chapter)

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