Chapter 715
After making up her mind, Nanxi sat down and thought about her argument carefully. When she was caught before, Lin Tongtong was already frightened, so the other party asked her if she hid the angelica by the side of the field. Not for the time of theft.

The girl didn't say anything, fortunately she didn't say anything, otherwise, it would be very difficult for Nan Xi to get away now.

After thinking about all the arguments, Nanxi wanted to check the time, only then did she realize that the girl named Lin Tongtong was so poor that she didn't even have a watch. She had no choice but to lie back on the bed again, not in a hurry , she can only wait until someone thinks of her tomorrow before she has a chance to argue.

After lying down, Nanxi couldn't help recalling Lin Tongtong's life again.

This girl is quite pitiful. Ever since Lin Bowen was born, her parents felt that an only child was too weak, so they wanted a boy to support Lin Bowen.

Who would have thought that the second child born would be a girl.

So Lin Tongtong was disgusted from birth.

After Lin Tongtong was born, Lin's mother was injured and unable to have another child, so Lin's mother put all her grievances on Lin Tongtong.

She thinks that Lin Tongtong is the reason why there is only one boy in her family, so she often talks about whether the one who should come will not come, and the girl who will not come will come but will not leave. At home, she will beat and scold Lin Tongtong, with a very attitude bad.

Under such circumstances, Lin Tongtong barely studied until she graduated from elementary school, and her family no longer let her go to school, but let her go out to hunt pigweed and do odd jobs. When Lin Tongtong was 14 years old, she was Send it out and let her work to earn money.

Just like that, Lin Tongtong has been working outside at a young age to support her family. Now she is done, because when harvesting the medicine fields, a lot of manpower is needed. This kind of short-term labor requires a lot of labor, but it comes with money. So Lin's father and Lin's mother stuffed her into the medicine field again.

After Lin Tongtong was caught yesterday, she was terribly frightened by Supervisor Tian. In addition, she was not in good health, so she was frightened to death.

This caused Nanxi to make a mistake, and Li Hun fell on Lin Tongtong.

After figuring out these things, Nanxi was surprised that such a blood-sucking family still existed, and at the same time felt worthless for Lin Tongtong. In any case, she borrowed Lin Tongtong's body and would always ask Lin Tongtong for it. Fairness is.

Thinking of this, Nan Xi fell asleep without knowing it. She worked very hard during the day, and this time she fell asleep until the sun was high.

Nan Xi still had something on her mind, she was anxious to leave so that she could contact Geng Kun, but when she got up and opened the door, she found that the door was still controlled by General Tie.

Nanxi had no choice but to knock on the door desperately, shouting that she wanted to go out.

What she didn't expect was that because something happened to her, the medicine field had become a mess. Geng Kun had already sent people down to thoroughly investigate the collapse of the big tree, and whether there was any conspiracy to destroy it.

Therefore, Director Tian and Director Cai have long forgotten about her, the little suspect who stole angelica, and everyone is busy investigating the collapse of the big tree.

However, Nanxi's knock on the door was heard by a passer-by. This person was also a small steward, so he remembered that there were still people locked up in this room, so he quickly brought a portion of food and water into the room, so as not to leave the room alone. Lin Tongtong starved to death.

Nan Xi saw that no matter how much she knocked on the door, no one answered her, and the door was very heavy, she couldn't open it, so she could only stay in the room and wait.

Fortunately, she had food and drink, so she didn't suffer any crimes.

Nanxi was locked in the house and was very anxious, but no matter how anxious she was, the investigation outside could only be carried out bit by bit.

It took three full days before the big guys found out that the collapse of this big tree was purely accidental, and there was absolutely no human factor involved.

This big tree grows on a half slope. As early as half a month ago, the bush next to the big tree was transplanted. At that time, the original forest worker who was responsible for removing the bush had injured the big tree. root system.

There were several heavy rains a few days ago. Because there was no protection from the bushes, the water and soil beside the big tree lost more water and soil, which caused part of its root system to be exposed to the ground. This big tree originally grew obliquely, so its The root system can't hold the soil and it will suddenly collapse.

It took three full days to investigate this matter. With the results of the investigation as evidence, Director Tian and Director Cai were finally cleared of murdering Nanxi.

The two supervisors gave up after experiencing this incident. They fought tit-for-tat to fight to the death. Instead, they all looked forward to Nanxi's speedy recovery so that the medicine field could return to normal as soon as possible.

Under such circumstances, three days later, when someone mentioned that the little girl who moved the angelica was still locked up, Director Tian offered to let Nanxi out.

"This little girl is very young. I have a little impression of her. Judging by her appearance, she can't do anything bad. I guess she put the medicinal materials on the edge of the ground, but I forgot later." After going through so many right and wrong, Supervisor Tian no longer wants to bring down Supervisor Cai, he just wants to live in peace.

Hearing what Director Tian said, Director Cai had no objection, and several team leaders immediately opened the door of Nanxi's room and let her out.

At this time, it had been three full days since Nanxi was locked up. Nanxi was very surprised when she saw that this group of people had released her, but she didn't intend to interrogate herself.

A team leader simply explained to Nanxi, "This matter should be a misunderstanding for you, and you should not be jealous of the two supervisors. Now Yaotian still has some finishing work left, you can stay with everyone Done, this way you can get more money when you pay your wages!"

Giving Nanxi a chance to make money is considered compensation in disguise. The low-level workers are so humble, and they can be dismissed with three melons and two dates.

Nan Xi didn't care to think about so many things now, so she hurriedly asked the team leader, where is Geng Kun now?
"You want to inquire about Boss Geng's whereabouts. Could it be that you feel that the two supervisors have handled this matter unfairly, so you want to complain to him? Then I advise you to save yourself, who is Boss Geng? How could he care about your trivial matter?" The team leader was very puzzled.

When Nan Xi saw the group leader's expression, he knew that he was thinking too much, so he quickly explained that he didn't want to sue, but just stayed and continued to work. The reason why he inquired about the whereabouts of Geng Kun and Nan Xi was mainly because curious.

Because Lin Tongtong is only a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl now, and she is not much older than a child in appearance, so the team leader is not very guarded against her. Seeing Lin Tongtong's curiosity, he patiently gave her She said a few more words,

"Let me tell you, our proprietress has not been sober all this time. Boss Geng sent her to the top Ogilvy Clinic abroad for treatment!"

(End of this chapter)

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