Chapter 1014 Qian Xuantian and Li 3
Liu Yiyi looked helpless, looking at the little girl who came flying from outside the house. She had short but strong calves and moved very fast. Behind her, there was a baby crying loudly:

"Wow, wow, wow..."

The corner of Liu Yiyi's mouth twitched, obviously this girl had completely forgotten about the little guy she had to take care of.

"Wait a minute, I'll come to you when I'm full..."

Eat to the max.Eat first.Liu Baoling is very busy now.Before Liu Yiyi could answer her just now, she had already slipped past Liu Yiyi and ran to the dining hall.

"Wow, braised pork...and duck in's really good, I haven't eaten it this good for a long time..." Sister Baozi was overjoyed.

"Brother, it's time to eat, hurry up... If you don't come, I'll eat it all..." Sister Baozi's words meant that she could sit down.Because of this, the two little fellows who were still studying in the study immediately put down the pens in their hands and flew towards Sister Baozi.

The whole family is the reincarnation of the God of Cookery.

Liu Yiyi really had nothing to do with them.

Soon, Liu Yiyi heard old man Qian's words.

Old man Qian seemed to have also locked the lid on the deep well, and carried the child beside him into the house to eat.

"I want to serve my own food..." Liu Yiyi is not used to his stink.

"Well, it's no problem... My old lady is out to do important things now... I'll just do it myself..."

Liu Yiyi's face turned black, this old man sometimes has a thick skin.There is really nothing to do with him.

At this time, Liu Baoling, Qian Guangguang, and Qian Duoduo's little mouths were already covered in sauce...

"Eat slowly, no one will compete with you..." Liu Yiyi frowned, luckily no outsiders saw her eating.Seeing it, let them know that my mother raised such three gluttons... I feel ashamed.

Looking at it again, there is another little bun who seems to open his mouth wide, babbling, staring at sister Baozi's bulging cheeks and the sauced duck she is holding in her hand... the way her mouth is drooling...

Liu Yiyi really felt a little unbearable.

Liu Yiyi directly picked up a piece of fat and stuffed it into the mouth of the little guy next to the bun sister.

"Woooo..." At first, I was shocked, but then I was delighted.Apparently tasted it.

"Mom, this braised pork fat is the best, it melts in your mouth, why are you so generous to give it to him..." Sister Baozi was not very happy.

Liu Yiyi rolled her eyes. "You don't know, do you grow meat on your stomach if you eat too much? Do you want to grow meat or eat an extra piece..."

"Eat one more piece...I want to eat one more piece, I can control myself...don't let this meat grow on my body..."

Liu Yiyi didn't believe this girl's nonsense...


Coincidentally, it was time for dinner today, and Fan Seng came back at the last moment.

Sister Baozi was a little dissatisfied when she saw him, but the two older brothers were already used to it.

"Eat braised pork, okay..." After finishing speaking, he simply sat down, picked up a bowl of rice, picked up a piece of fat and delicious braised pork, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Liu Yiyi looked at the corners of her mouth twitching.

"You are a monk, why are you so..."

"Yes, mother, you are right, you leave me some..." Sister Baozi was very anxious.

"I don't want to be a monk for a long time..." Said the monk while eating.

(End of this chapter)

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