Chapter 1022 Ways to Cure You 1
"I'll do it, I'll do it!" Sister Baozi raised her hands and quickly agreed.

This is a good job, people earn ten Wen a day, but she can earn twenty Wen a day.

Although this brat is a little annoying, according to Sister Baozi, he still has some advantages.

Because as long as he is fed enough, he will seldom cry and will be obedient...How could Liu Baoling not agree to such a simple matter...

Liu Yiyi was naturally happy when she saw that the steamed bun girl had been fooled.

Liu Yiyi didn't expect that she would agree to such a good thing so quickly.

Qian's face was a little dark.There is no other reason.

"Liu Yiyi, why is that, you pay your daughter [-] Wen..." Qian expressed his dissatisfaction to Liu Yiyi.

Liu Yiyi smiled: "The reason is very simple, because she is my daughter, what's the matter, Mrs. Qian, if you are not convinced, it's okay..."

Liu Yiyi doesn't want to chat with this Qian Shi anymore, if she doesn't accept it, then don't do it...

Old man Qian thought the old woman was stupid.Now someone can take care of this child, which is a good thing.Anyway, there is no need for the old words of the two of them.

Qian Xuantian suddenly asked: "Who pays for this money..."

"I don't care, you can discuss it yourself..." This matter, after all, is out of her Liu Yiyi's control.

Money and the weather.Do you want to go out by yourself?If he had known this earlier, then what if he took good care of her just now.

As a result of this discussion, Qian Xuantian's salary was gone.Used to offset accounts.

Money and the weather. "I don't have any money, how do I live this day..."

"How are you going to live, you eat and drink every day, what else is there to worry about..." Liu Yiyi was not worried at all about Qian Xuantian's words.

This matter has absolutely nothing to do with me.

As time goes by, the villagers feel more and more anxious.

After all, the vegetable garden of Liu Yiyi's family is not a bottomless pit, and it will be eaten up by the people in their village one day.

Liu Yiyi can provide it for free now, but there is no guarantee that she will have this ability in the future.

Many people in the village went to see old man Qiao.

The old man Qiao looked very anxious, but he couldn't come up with a plan.

Liu Yiyi looked at old man Qiao, every time he came over, he seemed to want to beg himself.However, what better way do I have.He also saw that what she could do, she did.

Therefore, every time old man Qiao was about to speak, Liu Yiyi ignored him.

Now, Liu Yiyi found out, especially in the past few days.The village seems to be getting more and more populated.

One day Liu Yiyi called Mrs. Zhou who happened to come over to fetch water, and asked Mrs. Zhou about it.

"What's going on?" Liu Yiyi asked Zhou.

"Oh, Liu Yiyi, you don't know..." Zhou seems to have a lot to say.


"A lot of relatives in the village have come here. I know you have food at home,..."

In the past few days, although Zhou didn't look very thin, she also looked haggard.

After all, when this drought will pass, I don't know... There is no head...

"Then if this goes on, sooner or later, my family will not have enough food..." Liu Yiyi said.

"That's not the case, but what can we do now, we can't let these people starve to death..."

Liu Yiyi frowned, with so many people, they couldn't just wait for the little food in their home without doing anything.

(End of this chapter)

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