Chapter 1025 Ways to Cure You 4
In the future, everyone in this family should be careful about these things.

Immediately, old man Qiao went to confront Mrs. Wang's family after writing down his name.

Later, old man Qiao couldn't believe it. It turned out that these people were not familiar with Mrs. Wang.In other words, it can be said that it has nothing to do with Mrs. Wang, what kind of relatives...

What old lady Wang said was that she could come to Liu Yiyi every day to claim food, and the more people she had in her hand, the more food she could get every day.

That's right, there are 25 people in Mrs. Wang's family, but these 25 people don't get much food from Mrs. Wang every day.At most it is a bowl of porridge.Barely eating doesn't count.

As for the rest, Mrs. Wang hid the grain in the cellar of her home.

Over the past month, this has already amounted to two hundred catties of grain.

"Hehe..." When Liu Yiyi found out, she could only smile like this.

If it weren't for the people in the village soaring in such a short period of time, Liu Yiyi thought, she wouldn't have such doubts.

However, only one was arrested, and there are others who dare to claim so much from one family, but what about other families...

"Old man Qiao, I want to be a good person. Of course, I am also a good person, but how do the people in the village do it..."

"From the food I gave, you can still deduct it so cruelly. Don't tell me about this, your village chief, you don't know at all..."

Yes, that's right, old man Joe can't say that he doesn't know.Joe old man knew.

However, for old man Joe, what he knew was not so clear.Who would have thought that this old lady Wang could be so black-hearted.

Now, in front of so many people, Liu Yiyi immediately came to ask old man Qiao.What can old man Joe say.

I can only find this reason for Liu Yiyi, "I don't care about this matter..."

Liu Yiyi shook her head and sneered.This old man Qiao seems to be able to do this if he does a lot of things. When encountering something, he will say "I don't care about it", and then I will say the same, isn't it good... Liu Yiyi thought in her heart.

"So, now you all know clearly. I did this, right...I, Liu Yiyi, is a good person, but I gave you a certain way to get rich. It's really a good plan.

"Ah, Liu Yiyi, many people in the village are not like this. After all, this is an isolated phenomenon..." Someone came out to refute.

Liu Yiyi smiled: "I don't believe any individual phenomenon, since it has happened, other people who haven't done this thing don't know, or they are thinking, our family might as well go to the city to find some A so-called relative and good person... In this way, not only can you be a good person to others, but you can also earn a fortune from receiving food from me every day... Do you think so?"

So, Liu Yiyi summed it up in one sentence: "If you want to blame, just blame what you said, a very small number of people...

Starting today, money must be given!If someone really can't open the door, I, Liu Yiyi, will see how I feel... Also, you must lose [-] catties on the basis of your weight today, and then come to me..."

Liu Yiyi's words made the villagers accept it even if they didn't accept it. There is no need to discuss it with you...

(End of this chapter)

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