Chapter 1029 Ways to Cure You 8
"...Sister Baozi's name is Liu Baoling, why don't you just call me Liu Beibei?"

The brat was shaking his head.

"I don't like it, hum! You don't have a choice." Liu Yiyi became angry, I kindly rewarded you with a name, but you still don't want to, what kind of virtue.

Liu Yiyi turned around and saw Sister Baozi running over again.

"Come on, mother, tell you something, this brat will be called Liu Beibei from now on, girl, look..."

"Yes, yes. Mother, this brat should have a name. When he grows up, he will take care of me..."

Liu Baoling always remembered what mother said before, now you take care of him, and when he grows up, let him take care of you and be your little slave.Sister Baozi remembers it.

When the time comes, it will be her time to enjoy herself.

Liu Yiyi rolled her eyes, as if she didn't hear what her daughter said.

Soon, sister Baozi grabbed a small bowl, which contained milk that Mrs. Wang had just warmed up.

"Come on, let's eat... Mom, look at my posture, do I look like his sister..."

Sister Baozi likes this cosplay very much recently.

"Well, it does look a bit like..."

"Hehe... I'll just say..."

"Come and open your mouth, sister will feed you..."

Liu Beibei was very obedient, and Liu Yiyi even felt that this kid's mood improved a lot after his daughter came over.

His eyes were fixed on Sister Baozi, and he couldn't stop watching...

This precocious little sister Baozi is actually very young, only a few months older.

"Mother remembers, when you were so young, you already pestered me to eat delicious food... Whether it's snacks or meatloaf... But you are so greedy for everything I can eat..."

Liu Yiyi recalled how her daughter looked like half a year ago.

"No. Yiyi, stop talking nonsense..."

It was only then that Liu Yiyi realized that this girl in her family likes to deceive people.

Recently, the fan monks have been running into the city every day.

Sometimes they even slept in the city and never came back.

Liu Yiyi knew it and didn't interfere much.

Let him do it.

He is wearing a Taoist uniform, which is the most suitable for this job.Liu Yiyi also doesn't like those things about trying to gain fame.

Soon, this lasted for three months, and one morning, it suddenly started to rain.

"Ah, Liu Yiyi, it's raining..."

The Qian family in the yard saw it and howled loudly.

Yes, this is the rain that everyone has been looking forward to for a long time.

But I don't know if this rain will start to improve after it rains.

However, Liu Yiyi saw that from this day on, many people in the village had expectations.

Although, it is almost autumn at this time.

However, the people in the village are still very happy.Because at least it means that the drought may be coming to an end.

Liu Yiyi looked at the expressions on everyone's faces and didn't say much.Of course, to be honest, she also wanted it to end quickly.

Because, even if she has enough food, but now, there is almost no food to distribute.

During these three months.Sister Baozi has asked Liu Beibei to climb, then to stand, and then began to slowly support the wall, and began to walk.

In this way, Sister Baozi almost didn't have to hug this little guy.

Although, now, sister Baozi is not fat, and she is extremely strong.

As long as Liu Yiyi is at home, she can see these two little guys walking one after the other.

(End of this chapter)

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