Tough concubine: to make a fortune from the splendid pastoral

Chapter 1043 Wang Qi’s Family Moved Out 7

Chapter 1043 Wang Qi’s Family Moved Out 2
These two elder brothers have always treated him badly. Now, they have also taken away their own sister, the only one who treats him best in this family. Liu Beibei hurriedly chased after him, striding forward It runs fast, although it is a bit like a fat little penguin.However, he is not discouraged.

He was silent, he just wanted to keep his sister from getting out of his sight.

Fortunately, Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang did not stop him from doing this.

Looking at this child, Liu Yiyi felt that he was really precocious.

However, Liu Yiyi didn't care too much.The child has the child's own blessing, and she takes care of it too much, so it's nothing.


Such days continued, one day, Qian ran up to Liu Yiyi, looking at Liu Yiyi with a slightly strange look in his eyes.

"What's the matter..." Qian's eyes almost popped out.Liu Yiyi felt even more strange.

"You want to eat some snacks, I'm sorry, it's gone, my daughter secretly finished eating just now..." Sister Baozi recently started her weight-gaining plan again, Liu Yiyi really couldn't bear it.

This Liu Beibei has just become more sensible, and now she almost doesn't need Sister Baozi to take care of her, and this girl is starting to gain weight again.

The little face is already a little round and round.Liu Yiyi was very worried.

"No, Liu Yiyi, tell me... Duoduo and Guangguang, is he a child of our old Qian's family..."

When Liu Yiyi heard this, she immediately kicked her.

This woman, why should she care about her children.

Even if there is a relationship, in Liu Yiyi's view, it has nothing to do with the Qian family.She has been taking care of them all these years.Now, the members of Lao Qian's family are a bit promising after seeing these two children.Just ran here in such a hurry.

Isn't this a joke?

Naturally, Liu Yiyi would not let such a thing happen, but Liu Yiyi believed that her two children, Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang, would not take this matter seriously either.

They are not fools, Qian can do whatever he wants.

Zhou Mo frowned, Qian hurriedly said: "Liu Yiyi, that's not what I'm talking about..."

"Then what are you talking about?" Liu Yiyi frowned.

"I, I heard that Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang are Wang Qi's seeds..."

"What nonsense are you talking about..." Liu Yiyi became angry, this woman can say anything, but this kind of words cannot be said indiscriminately.

The old Qian's family doesn't recognize this child, of course she doesn't mind at all, but you can't do this...

"Why am I talking nonsense,...I, I'm a little suspicious..."

"In the past few days, I feel that these two children look a little like Wang Qi the longer they grow up... I was thinking recently that Wang Qi's family was originally worried about coming to you during the locust plague and drought a while ago. , but, they didn't... what are you supposed to be... I went to find out, it turned out that their family moved away..."

The more Qian talked, the more strange he felt.

"Moved away... where did you move..."

"Well, how do I know...but I heard from people in their village that these two children of yours are probably from their old Wang's family..."

"Damn, are you worried that I, Liu Yiyi, won't be able to find them? This matter is really thanks to their thinking..."

Liu Yiyi laughed.

Qian Shi also had this idea.However, Qian Shi didn't have the guts to talk about this matter in front of Liu Yiyi.

(End of this chapter)

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