Chapter 1057 Education 6
"Hmph, that's what I like, what do you want to do..."

This Liu Baoling, dragged.

Qian Duo saw that the situation was not right, his stubborn sister became angry, and immediately pulled his brother's hand secretly.

"Okay, don't ask any more..."

Qian Guangguang seemed to be relieved now.

However, Qian Guangguang and Qian Duoduo had already kept this matter in mind.

That night, while having dinner, Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang started to trouble Liu Beibei.

"Liu Beibei, don't eat this..." Qian Duoduo said.

"Yes, Liu Beibei, eating this is not good for your health, listen to your brother..." Qian Guangguang hurriedly yelled.

"Woo..." Liu Beibei looked at the two with a little aggrieved look.These two guys have bullied him more than once since just now.

Although Liu Beibei is young, he also has a temper. He, he was really angry when he saw this.

Liu Beibei doesn't even know what method she should use to deal with these two guys.

After eating, Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang didn't intend to let Liu Beibei go.

In the eyes of Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang, this guy is not yet a member of their family.So, sometimes, this guy shouldn't be like this, with such eyes, looking forward, always begging his sister for help with a pitiful expression.

However, although Liu Beibei has been very kind to her sister for such a long time, this has already made Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang a little annoyed.

All the unhappiness, all the dissatisfaction, at this moment, made the two little guys start to explode.

Liu Yiyi tilted her head, grabbed a handful of melon seeds in her hand, and watched the intrigue of the four buns in front of her.

This is a place with people, Liu Yiyi now finally knows that there is a contradiction, it seems that it is so, it is so.

Haha ...

Now, Liu Yiyi wanted to get the two little buns in front of her to spread out quickly.

However, Liu Yiyi will not remind Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang, and let them know that she is actually looking forward to seeing them fight one day.

"Okay, Liu Beibei, come out with us..." Qian Duoduo thought that there were too many people here, so it was necessary to find Liu Beibei, who was only one and a half years old, to come out and challenge...


Liu Beibei hesitated for a moment, but still resolutely followed them out.

Liu Baoling was a little anxious when she saw it, and hurriedly ran to Liu Yiyi, begging Liu Yiyi. "Mother, look, what should I do about this matter, if I let this matter develop, I, I really..."

"Sister, don't worry, there is nothing to worry about..."

"Uh..." Liu Baoling really didn't know where her mother's optimism came from.She is really uncomfortable, but, um, she will work hard to adapt.

Liu Baoling secretly glanced at her mother again, um... Since her own mother is not worried, then why should she worry, there is no need for this at all.If worrying is useful, of course, she is willing to worry, but if worrying is useless, this worrying is superfluous.extra……

(End of this chapter)

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