Chapter 1060 Education 9
"What are you scolding, your two elder brothers are indeed too proud, it's fine now..."

Liu Yiyi is still very satisfied.

"Uh, mother, when you say that, I suspect that Liu Beibei is your real son..." Sister Baozi raised her head and said so.

Liu Beibei's eyes widened, as if she hoped that Liu Yiyi would nod her head.Putting her little hands on her chest, she was very nervous.

Liu Yiyi shook her head.

"No, no, Beibei was not born by a mother..."

"Woo..." Liu Beibei was sad, she didn't speak, and her head drooped again.

Liu Yiyi sighed, she didn't expect to take this brat from heaven to hell with a single word.

"Well, although you are the son of my enemy, you brat, I will raise you as my son. Haven't you seen that my daughter treats you better than my son? Don't you I feel that you beat my two sons to the ground, didn't I say anything about you? There is nothing to be unhappy about your age... put away your little jealousy..."

"I, I'm not jealous..."

Liu Beibei said loudly.

Liu Yiyi just ignored her. "Hurry up and go exercise after dinner..."

Liu Yiyi waved her hand.He didn't think at all that the child, who was only a little over one year old, had followed him out for a run, and just sat down to eat a meal, and now it was necessary to walk around the house with his calves .

However, these two brats have been trained very docilely by Liu Yiyi.For such a kind of post-meal exercise, I am not very exclusive.

"Ma'am, how long will we stay here before going back..." Mrs. Wang asked standing aside.

"Well, maybe a month later... let the children come here to see the scenery of the city, eat something good, and play around..."

"Fortunately, your two older schools are in the middle, and the distance to each place is about the same..."

"Well, that's why they didn't complain..."

"I saw just now that they hid the snacks in their cupboards after they finished making them..."

"Oh?" Liu Yiyi didn't expect that keeping this eyeliner would be very useful.

"It seems that they will get up early tomorrow..."

"Ma'am, you can really torment them. You are young, you should learn when you are young...Why bother..."

"What's the use of studying hard? I don't know how hard it is for my mother to support the family. It shouldn't be..."

Mrs. Wang wanted to say, she really didn't see how hard it is for you, Liu Yiyi, to support your family.

Ever since Mrs. Wang came to work at Liu Yiyi's place, Mrs. Wang has seen Liu Yiyi eating and drinking with her daughter all day long, and making troubles for Mrs. Qian.

Now that I'm in the city, the purpose is almost the same. Today, no, I went to the city again, walked around, and then came back.

How tiring it is, Mrs. Wang can't see it.

"Go and clean up, I have to go out for a walk tomorrow..."

"Do you want to go out again?" Mrs. Wang thought that this mother really shouldn't.

"Of course, my son will be handed over to my family tomorrow, so of course I want to buy things even more... In the past two years, I have hardly bought anything. Since my daughter was born, I rarely go to the city again. It's coming from inside... Now I just have time, so naturally I want to play here for a few days..."

Qian Duoduo is discussing countermeasures with Qian Guangguang in the room.


(End of this chapter)

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