Chapter 1064 Education 13
"Ah, brother, what are you talking about... You helped me vent my anger, I haven't thanked you well yet..."

Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang continued to discuss in the room.

Early the next morning, Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang got busy.Because today they are going to start making money.

"Where are you going?" Early in the morning, before the family members woke up, Liu Beibei blocked Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang at the door.

", why are you up?" Qian Guangguang was angry.What does this brat want to do.Do you want to make a small report.

"I, I will go with you..."

"Go? You want to make a small report..."


"Brother, it's okay to call him..." Qian Duoduo thought it was a good thing that this brat wanted to help.Naturally agreed.

Yesterday, they were still discussing how to deal with this stinky boy. Now, he delivered it to the door by himself, how could they miss it.


Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang took Liu Beibei out quickly.

"Today you will help us... sell snacks... will you?" Qian Duoduo asked the free laborer.

Liu Beibei was quite happy.In this way, does it mean that the two brats in front of him will treat themselves better in the future.

"Well, yes." In fact, he still doesn't know what's going on...

"Hehe..." Qian Guangguang was satisfied.

Qian Duoduo was naturally satisfied. Although Liu Beibei was a little small, sometimes, he would still do it if he was asked to look at the booth and take something.

Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang came to the previous market.However, this time is different than before, because they don't have a booth, and that booth was returned to others after my mother stopped doing business in the city, and they didn't rent it again.

Now, it is not easy for them to rent a booth.Although they have a little money, Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang have been too frugal since they were young. In other words, they are too stingy.

"Okay, Liu Beibei, let's start setting up a stall here..." Qian Duoduo said with a little pride.

"Uh, okay..."

How old is Liu Beibei, and how sensible he is.However, he was very happy to see so many people here.

Qian Guangguang and Qian Duoduo put all the two kinds of snacks they made yesterday into baskets. Today, they came out with the baskets...

Qian Guangguang lifted the cloth covering the basket at this time.Qian Guangguang smiled and said, "Brother, we must be able to make a lot of money today..."

"Uh, I can't be so sure... I don't know if I can sell it... After these two disasters in succession, who knows how many people still remember our dim sum at home..."

"Uh, it's true, it's true...Brother, if we can't sell it, we can hang around in front of the dim sum shop... What do you think..."

"This is indeed a good idea..."

The three little guys started to sell stalls.

Business is surprisingly good.

It didn't take long for most of it to be sold.Most of the rest were bought by the shopkeeper of the dim sum shop next to him after hearing the news.

The three little buns quickly went back home.

"You are not allowed to tell my mother about today's matter..."

"Well, don't say..." Liu Beibei nodded.

He also started to feel less afraid of Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang's threats.

"Brother, how much will we sell tomorrow..."

(End of this chapter)

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