Chapter 1071 Education 20
"I don't worry about how to do it. Even if I don't worry about it, how could the ancestors of our old Qian family agree..."

Old man Qian stood aside, and he also meant the same thing.It is absolutely impossible to let my son delay in this matter.

How important this is, they didn't know it before, but now, they know it, not only do they know it, but they also start to worry, if such a thing is true, what should they do.

So, no matter how worried their son was, they couldn't let their son have this worry.

Old man Qian and Mrs. Qian both thought that the son who had given up must give it a try.

Let's see, let's talk about the situation.

If it's not possible for their own son, then Liu Yiyi's two children must admit that they belong to Lao Qian's family.

Otherwise, the loss will be huge.

Right now, in the past two years, Liu Yiyi has trained these two boys well.Listening to Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang talking about it, in another year, they will go to the examination of scholar, if they are admitted to the examination of scholar, after that, think about it, how can this day be bad...

The two children of Liu Yiyi's family looked like a piece of gold that was about to shine.Therefore, whether my son has any problems in this regard is very important.

"Mother has made an agreement with you, so you don't have to worry about this matter. That's it. This time, Mother is looking for a girl from an ordinary family. She is indeed a bit old, but fortunately, she is not married, so she is still a girl. I'm a big girl, but my family is a little poor. It doesn't matter at all... You don't have to worry at all, my mother can help you take care of everything..."

Qian Xuantian sighed.He really didn't want to do this, but his parents...

Qian Xuantian is also under pressure. What if he comes back after marrying this woman and has no children for several years. When he was sick before, he could have a reason, but now...

Qian Xuantian drooped his head, neither agreeing nor disagreeing.Anyway, a little awkward.

Qian Shi didn't care about him anymore.

Mrs. Qian began to discuss this matter with the old man Qian who was at the side.

Whether it is good or not.Qian believed that this matter must be let go and resolved satisfactorily.

A week later, Liu Yiyi was at home and heard that Qian Shi had found a good wife for Qian Xuantian.

"Uh..." Liu Yiyi was shocked.

"Mother, are you regretting it?" Qian Duoduo squinted.Recently, he has gained momentum.

"Uh, mother can't, mother just didn't expect that there are women who are willing to marry him, don't you think so?"

Liu Yiyi's words, of course, also shocked Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang.However, they hoped that Qian Xuantian would find a woman quickly, so that their mother would still be their own, and they would not have to worry about it.

Their own mother, since Wang Qi left, they have been very satisfied, because she has never found a man.In this way, his mother completely belonged to them and his sister.

How nice.

It's not that they are selfish, but that Qian Duoduo borrowed one of the most common words from his younger brother, that is, they are worried that their mother will be hurt again.

Isn't this reason too big?This is a big deal, isn't it?

(End of this chapter)

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