Chapter 1083 Time Flies So Fast 5
As for Liu Beibei, Liu Yiyi can ignore it directly.

Because for Liu Beibei, Liu Yiyi didn't even have to think about it, let alone think about it.

This guy Liu Yiyi listens to Liu Baoling in everything.No matter what Liu Baoling did was right or wrong.

Up to now, he has grown up so much, which makes Liu Yiyi feel very annoyed.

Liu Yiyi even had a feeling that her niece was too unworthy, and thought of this kid as her lifelong little slave.

However, sometimes Qian Xuantian saw this child following Liu Baoling's ass like this, Qian Xuantian was not very surprised.

Qian Xuantian didn't mind at all.Even according to Liu Yiyi, Qian Xuantian's face was a little cold.

Think about it.Liu Yiyi said to Qian Xuantian, what did she say before, let this child be his son...

Hehe, if Qian Xuantian said this, it would really be like farting.No matter what it says, it is unbelievable.

This man has a truth, that is absolutely impossible.

For the past year, Qian Xuantian has lived a life that Liu Yiyi has watched coldly, which is very bad.

The reason is not because the family married another woman.

Moreover, Liu Yiyi could hear Qian Shi saying from time to time that this woman's stomach has not moved at all.

Liu Yiyi was surprised.

What are they in such a hurry to do.Could it be that the guess before the word is really credible?

Liu Yiyi had to think so.It's not that she wants to think this way, because these people seem to have let her think on this path.

It's that simple.

Liu Yiyi turned around, went to the side and sat down.

She likes to sit quietly in the yard and watch the people in front of her be busy.But she was enjoying the food on the sidelines.

She is also happy that her son is promising. Now, these three children are all taught by her well.At least in Liu Yiyi's opinion, she is qualified.

Wang Qi, for Liu Yiyi now, he really became a passer-by in his own life.

Although on weekdays, Liu Yiyi didn't like anyone around her, so she came to ask what was wrong with Wang Qi.However, Liu Yiyi knew it.It is impossible for this man to have any influence on himself.

Time is a great medicine.After so long, this is already the simplest and most direct proof for Liu Yiyi.


For a while, Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang kept saying in front of Liu Yiyi that they wanted Liu Yiyi and her to bring Sister Baozi to live in the city.

"I don't want to go, I have my land here..."

Liu Yiyi rolled her eyes and stared at Sister Baozi who said this.

Liu Yiyi had nothing to say to this little sister of Baozi.

"Sister, you are a girl's family, this, you must not be harmed by our mother..." Qian Guangguang saw the pink, tender and chubby bun sister before him, but now he has changed. Cheng is dark and thin, and his heart aches.Both Qian Guangguang and Qian Duoduo believed that this was the fault of their mother.

If it wasn't for her mother who encouraged her young sister, how could she be so ignorant.

So, my own mother has a lot of responsibility.

Liu Yiyi really felt it was funny.Such a bun, why did he speak to himself in such a tone.


(End of this chapter)

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