Chapter 1104 Baozi is in charge 5
Sister Baozi asked directly.

Qian Duoduo suddenly realized.Is this possible?They haven't inquired much about the market in the city recently. "If not, let's go directly to the city to have a look after school tomorrow..."

Brother Baozi thinks that this matter needs to be confirmed seriously.If it is, then by all means find out who this guy is.Hmph, I am quite courageous, actually following them to learn how to make dim sum.

Sister Baozi also agreed, nodding quickly. "Well, brother, you go to the city tomorrow to inquire about it."

"Well, don't worry, sister, you and Beibei will take care of the house at home..."

Liu Baoling nodded.

When I came back at night, sister Baozi hurriedly asked about it.

Sister Baozi was worried when she saw her two brothers.Obviously, this guess is probably true...

"Ah, is there really such a person?" Sister Baozi was quite surprised.

"Yes, I heard that it is in another county, which is fifty miles away from the county near us... I heard that their business is very good, and the price is very fair... Now, many shops near and far like it. They go there to buy goods, this matter, sister, we really can't believe it..."

Liu Beibei blinked and listened carefully.

"Then, what should I do..."

"How about, let's change to a different kind of dim sum. Mother makes more than these kinds of dim sum..."

"This is also possible..."

Brother Baozi agrees.

In this way, after a week, the business has indeed improved a bit, but, for some reason, suddenly, I heard that the shopkeeper in another county town also made this dim sum...

The steamed buns' business was affected again.

Liu Baoling has a big head. "This cunning guy, he probably sent Qian and Zhou to work as undercover agents here..." Liu Baoling began to doubt.

Otherwise, how could it be so clear about their family's formula.Mother said, their snacks are not sold outside.Both tasty and tasty.

Although there is still some business now, my brother's dim sum business is really much worse than before.

The situation in Liu Baoling's vegetable garden was not affected.

However, this is still a lot of money missing.

"No, it won't work if it goes on like this... Beibei, don't you think so?" Sister Baozi lay on the recliner where her mother usually nestled up and began to worry.

"Well, yes. Is that shop owned by my mother..." Liu Beibei has always had this kind of doubt.

"Ah?" Liu Baoling was shocked suddenly.

Liu Baoling grabbed Liu Beibei's arm. "Are you suspicious of this?"

Thinking about it carefully, if this is really the case, then it really makes sense... Well, this mother is not saying that she is going to travel, play around, and have a look, but now... what is it... and she is still fighting with them business.

"Well, I doubt it. Not long after my mother left, our business started to go downhill..."

"Well, if that's the case...then don't worry too much..."

Liu Baoling started to chuckle.

Because if my mother made money, it was hers.

Now Liu Baoling wanted to find out more about the size of the shop and how much money she made every day.

(End of this chapter)

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