Chapter 1106 Baozi is in charge 7
When Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang came back from school, they naturally didn't see their sister who was supposed to be sitting in the yard waiting for them to come back.

"Sister, where are you?" The two brothers began to search.

"Sister, where are you?"

After searching for a long time, I couldn't find it.

The monks also began to look for it.Fan Seng was very worried, Liu Yiyi was not here, and he didn't take good care of her two children. If she was abducted, would something happen?

Besides, this little sister Baozi has a lot of cash in her hands at this time, this, this is not afraid of [-], just in case...

Look, Liu Yiyi fulfilled her daughter's request and even harmed her.

However, everyone in the family, including Qian Xuantian and the old man Qian, searched together for a long time, but they couldn't find Sister Baozi.

All of a sudden, the whole village exploded.

"What, Liu Yiyi's daughter disappeared?"

"But, I saw her in the morning..."

"I heard that her two elder brothers disappeared after returning from school..."

"How is it possible... Could it be that someone kidnapped you..."

"Ah, don't talk nonsense about this matter, who would dare? Think about it, Liu Yiyi's family now has two scholars, and kidnapping the younger sister of the scholar's family, isn't it a loss of your head..."

Although this statement is a bit exaggerated, but for most of the ignorant villagers in this village, they absolutely dare not agree with any point. They may become officials in the future, and they are still high-ranking officials. Such words came...

This is not a matter of losing your head, there is such a crisis, isn't it?
Many villagers became nervous anyway.

Many people in the village also started to help to find it.

However, it's strange to say that Liu Beibei next to Sister Baozi disappeared with Sister Baozi, which is normal, but, no matter what, Qian Shi also disappeared.

When everyone told Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang about this important discovery, these two boys had already set their sights on the old man Qian and Qian Xuantian who were standing in their yard, sweating profusely. Two people.

"Tell me, did something happen in your family... What did you do to my sister? How could my sister disappear suddenly... Tell me... tell me clearly..."

Old man Qian really didn't know, if he knew, he wouldn't be here right now.

However, old man Qian and Qian Xuantian could somewhat figure out one thing, and that was Qian Shi who disappeared at the same time. This old woman must know where the two children went.

The old man Qian couldn't answer the pressing questions of the two little guys, Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang.

Old man Qiao has been taking good care of Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang recently. No, when Liu Yiyi left home, such a beating happened in her home, and at this moment, it's time for him to behave again.Joe old man appeared again.

"Okay, old man Qian, think about it carefully. In the past few days, has your old lady behaved abnormally? Please explain it to me honestly..."

Regarding such words, old man Qian and Qian Xuantian really thought about every word carefully.

However, there is nothing special about it.

Things are really a little weird.


(End of this chapter)

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