Chapter 1110 I found Yiyi 1
Liu Baoling is still talking.Then when she turned around and got up from the bed, what did she see...

What I saw was a mess in her guest room, and there were five or six guys lying there who seemed to be dying, or were dead.

At this moment, Liu Baoling didn't see clearly the appearance of these people at all.

Liu Baoling greeted her little follower, and then checked her money and clothes.

"Beibei is leaving, it looks very dangerous here, um, it's too dangerous, let's go, hurry up..." Liu Baoling felt a sense of crisis.Although, it's a bit late.

"Well, but we haven't paid the rent yet..."

Liu Beibei was still thinking about it.

"It doesn't matter, what is the rent, I live here, so many dead people suddenly appear in my room in the middle of the night, who can I ask for mental damage?"

Liu Baoling is a very stingy little bun.At this moment, for her, it is good that she didn't ask you for money...

"Well, yes, sister, you are right..." Liu Beibei nodded.

"of course."

Liu Baoling and Liu Beibei took a little monster they brought out, and sneaked out of the inn.

Fortunately, the other guests in this inn are normal.

It seems that I am a bit unlucky.

After walking out of the inn, Liu Baoling was still thinking about it.

"Bebe, we have to be careful in the future..."

"Well, yes, remember the lesson from this time..." Liu Beibei obediently held two bags in her hands, and a bigger bag on her shoulders, and followed behind Liu Baoling bouncingly.

Two little buns, now I am going to find a stall for breakfast.

All of a sudden, from yesterday to now, Qian has been able to find these two brats.

Seeing them coming out of the inn, Mrs. Qian hurriedly ran to show her face in front of Liu Baoling and Liu Beibei.

" can be regarded as coming out..." Qian was very happy.Her breakfast is settled.

Qian Shi waited really hard.This hard work is probably only known to Qian himself.

"Mr. Qian, what are you doing here?" Liu Baoling was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately understood that this old woman was following her.

This, isn't it really too outrageous.

Liu Baoling was very angry, and this kind of anger had already fully expressed what she was thinking in her heart at this moment.

Qian's purpose is obvious, he wants to follow him to find his mother.But, what if I let my mother know that Qian Shi came here with me...

Liu Baoling didn't even need to think about it, this mother must be very angry, and at the same time, she might not agree to hand over the money she earned to herself for safekeeping.This is a big problem...

Qian frowned. "Why am I here, you don't know, you two are so young, I'm here to help you... In case something happens to you on the way... Tell me... is this troublesome... If you are cheated, how can this be... How can I explain clearly to your mother..."

Qian muttered.Qian Shi really wanted to help the two little buns in front of her.

However, in front of...

These two little guys are too defensive.It's really hard to start.

Liu Beibei pulled Liu Baoling's clothes.

Anyway, Qian Shi seemed to see something from this, but he didn't think too much...

(End of this chapter)

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