Tough concubine: to make a fortune from the splendid pastoral

Chapter 22 Chapter 22 Meeting Her Man for the First Time

Chapter 22 Chapter 22 Meeting Her Man for the First Time

Qian Duoduo's small eyes suddenly brightened a lot.

"Then bake it and eat it... Oh, mother, don't you have something to light, you, you sit here, my brother and I will run back and get you the fire folder right now..."

Liu Yiyi now knows that this is called Huozhezi, which is something used to light fire in ancient times, just like the matches she was familiar with in her previous life.The usage and usage are pretty much the same.

Just now, when making noodles for Qian Shi, Liu Yiyi used it once.It was Qian who pointed out to her and asked her to pull out the torch. As soon as the torch was opened, sparks would start to appear on it as soon as it came into contact with the oxygen in the air, and then put the straw on it to ignite, so that I can start a fire.

Little Baozi's son was secretly delighted, and wanted to leave the scene with four or five sweet potatoes that he had just snatched from Liu Yiyi's hands.

"Hurry up, come back quickly..." Liu Yiyi took care of Baozi's son whom she just met.

"Well, well, I see, mother, don't worry... I know it well..."

Liu Yiyi then stood where she was, and began to wait patiently for the son she had just met to come back.

Liu Yiyi is thinking that she has two sons, they are eccentric and cute.But compared to the indifference of the old temptress towards herself, they are like a fire, burning warmly in her heart.

Her heart suddenly filled up a lot.From the shock at the beginning, now, she is completely able to accept it.

When Liu Yiyi dug out another five or six sweet potatoes, Liu Yiyi wanted to wait for the two buns to come back and eat them together.

However, did not wait.
Damn it!I was cheated!

Thinking of the appearance of the two boys when they ran away holding the sweet potatoes and smiling to themselves, for some reason, Liu Yiyi suddenly felt deeply that she was fooled by them.

Damn it!Damn it!Thinking that Liu Yiyi was actually cheated by these two little bastards.

Now Baozi's son is not Baozi's son.Has transformed into a little bastard!Liu Yiyi dared to lie to her, thanks to the warmth she felt in her heart just now, and she wanted to let her take care of them if their father didn't take care of them.Really, pissed off.

In this way, Liu Yiyi certainly didn't want to stay and wait any longer.She's not that stupid.

Liu Yiyi ran to her home in a hurry.

Soon, Liu Yiyi ran home.

Liu Yiyi recognized it from a distance.The adobe house in front is his home.Because obviously, there is only a brick house next to Liu Yiyi's adobe house.This is the characteristic...

When they arrived at the gate of Lao Qian's house, Liu Yiyi pushed open the gate, and she went in.

She wants to find those two little ghosts to settle accounts, and she doesn't know if they are at home?However, Liu Yiyi felt that the possibility of being at home must be very high.

"Liu Yiyi, you finally died for me! You damned woman!"

Qian Xuantian's voice was rough and full of anger, just like that suddenly came out.

He seemed to have been waiting for her here for a long time, his face was full of anger, it could even be said that he was waiting for Liu Yiyi here with anger.Now that he finally saw Liu Yiyi, finally the fire in his heart could not help but burst out.

As soon as Liu Yiyi stepped into the door, she was stunned by a sudden fierce word, she turned her head to look at him.

"Where did you die?"

"Why couldn't I find you at home just now! Tell me, tell me clearly!..."

Qian Xuantian was dissatisfied, and was even more dissatisfied with Liu Yiyi who saw the dazed expression on his face. He reached out and pushed Liu Yiyi hard, and he wanted to force her to tell him the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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