Chapter 224 Qian Shi Regrets 1
The shopkeeper of the restaurant was talking to Liu Yiyi when he saw that Liu Yiyi seemed to have brought something again today.

"Ah, what is this? Is it a new dish?" The shopkeeper was obviously interested.

This interest is really great.I saw that both his eyes were shining.

"Mmm. Mmmm!" Liu Yiyi nodded repeatedly.

Before Liu Yiyi came to introduce to the shopkeeper what she had brought...the restaurant shopkeeper stood up and looked around cautiously.

Uh...not so...this is too exaggerated...

Liu Yiyi was deeply embarrassed...

Then the shopkeeper, with a mysterious face, approached Liu Yiyi, and he quietly asked Liu Yiyi: "Have you gone to the opposite side of Yiyi? Look, I have found such a big deal for you. You can't break your promise to me again." It''s been more than once or twice..."

The shopkeeper of the restaurant complained, Liu Yiyi wanted to roll her eyes.She thought to herself: This middle-aged man has a strong sense of prevention!
Liu Yiyi had no choice but to say: "I haven't had time yet... You also know that if I only come to the city every day, don't I come to you first?"

Liu Yiyi said so, but she said with conscience in her heart that Liu Yiyi really planned to go there.Why not earn money.

However, Liu Yiyi naturally wouldn't say this inwardly.

Liu Yiyi opened a basket.The eyes of the shopkeeper sitting across from him lit up, and he quickly bent over and asked:
"What kind of meat is this..."

Not long after, Liu Yiyi came out from the restaurant.I am secretly happy.Haha... I made another ten taels of silver.

The meatballs have different flavors, and the shopkeeper likes them very much. He said that there is a lack of such fresh dishes in his shop.

However, after talking for a long time, the shopkeeper asked Liu Yiyi to provide materials for him to process.

Hmph... Liu Yiyi is not that stupid.If she really did that, how much money would she make!

On the way back, on the bustling street, Liu Yiyi bought all the gadgets that caught her eye when she came here just now, and bought them for her son.After looking at what I felt was missing, I chose two dim sums that can only be found in the city before giving up.

These two buns are really sensible, and they are unwilling to follow them when they want to go to the city.Let them be together, but they say they want to save money for themselves.

Although Liu Yiyi still saved the money and gave it to them, Liu Yiyi was still happy, Baozi is really sensible.


At this moment in the old Qian's family, after Liu Yiyi left yesterday, the more she thought about it, the more she thought Liu Yiyi was too cheap.

Yesterday, Qian felt that she was really confused.How could I let Liu Yiyi leave like this?

This bitch, leave like this?She didn't get anything cheap, so she left!
She left, but she still locked the inner and outer third floors of the house.Depend on!What a world! !

The more Qian thought about it, the more angry she felt.

I have lived such an old age, and when I think about it carefully, it seems that I have never been so angry.

So Qian couldn't help but ask old man Qian, and Qian pushed old man Qian:

"What should our family do now? How will we live in the future, the golden rooster that lays eggs at home has run away. How will we live in this day, you have to think of a way.

But if you want me to reconcile with the sick, well, there is no way!
I've seen a long time ago that this woman is even more unreliable than Liu Yiyi!This woman is even more of a white-eyed wolf than Liu Yiyi! "

"Then what else do you want?"

Old man Qian was not happy in his heart, he was very angry at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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