Tough concubine: to make a fortune from the splendid pastoral

Chapter 315 The Enemy Began to Be Arrogant 1

Chapter 315 The Enemy Began to Be Arrogant 1
Liu Yiyi was so angry that her chest was pressed against her back, whistling, her mouth was constantly bubbling with anger.

"Well, you are a cheap man, you are really cheap..." Liu Yiyi rushed inside.

"Liu Yiyi, let me tell you, if you call me like that again, be careful!" Qian Xuantian was also annoyed, and he turned around to warn Liu Yiyi like this.

It's not that I treat her badly, in Qian Xuantian's view, my tolerance for this woman has reached a limit.However, she is definitely not a woman who knows when enough is enough!
The gentleness in the past, the obedience to herself, has long been thrown to a place where birds don't lay eggs.

The current woman is savage and unreasonable, but she still thinks she can manipulate him. Hmph, what a joke. He is a big man, how can he be manipulated by a useless woman every time like this.

"Liu Yiyi, don't think that I dare not hit you, I just let you go before!" Seeing this woman, Qian Xuantian wanted to kick her again, and quickly warned her.

Qian Xuantian also said that every time he was not Liu Yiyi's opponent, it was Liu Yiyi's fault, and then praised himself and improved himself so humbly to her.

Liu Yiyi almost died laughing after hearing this.

Can this man really be so shameless? !
Of course, she had a complete understanding of this cheap man Qian Xuantian.However, every time, time after time, the shock he gave himself was not so big.

So, what does this tell us?This shows that she, Liu Yiyi, is definitely standing in front of a shameless guy who forgot his last name.

The only thing you can do with a shameless person is to be more shameless than him.

Liu Yiyi thinks so.You don't want to use reason to talk to this kind of person.

Because it doesn't make sense.It's a good thing to talk to a duck, but he can still have various reasons to bury you, refute you, and accuse you everywhere. Why don't you help him think about it!

Shameless person, still want her, Liu Yiyi, to leave him food?
Well, I won't have to eat a bite of food in the future.If they want to eat, she has plenty of ways.

Please remember that she, Liu Yiyi, is not a good person.

Definitely not a nice guy!
The cheap man and the sick man entered Liu Yiyi's kitchen.In the past few days, they have been eating here.

Liu Yiyi is a woman who cooks excellent dishes.Although when it was their turn to eat, they were all leftovers, but I had to admit that these so-called leftovers were really delicious.

It tasted much, much better than any meal they had eaten before.I don't know how this woman did it?

The bitch walked into the kitchen swaggeringly, and the sick man next to him looked behind with a smug expression on his face.Sick Yangzi smiled when she saw Liu Yiyi getting angry and even blushing.

Are you laughing so proudly, so happy...

The sick man seemed to be saying to Liu Yiyi, you are arrogant, what's the use of being arrogant?

My god brother still doesn't take you seriously...


Brother Tian was subdued by you for a while before, but now Brother Tian has awakened all of a sudden, and has even seen through your tricks.

Damn woman, please be more careful, in the future, I won't be so stupid and let you be arrogant.

I, Tong Yuelan, just didn't see clearly before, you've been pretending to be your true nature all these years.What timidity and cowardice, get out, you are married, fierce is your true face.

(End of this chapter)

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