Chapter 321 Weak Enemy 1
"'re finally dead..." Qian Xuantian sat on the bench in the backyard with a disheartened face and was powerless, but when he saw Liu Yiyi, it was his last gasp of strength.

Liu Yiyi waved her hands and looked very surprised: "What's wrong? This is my house, I can't come here, or do you want to occupy the magpie's nest?!"

Liu Yiyi was not stingy with the excited look on her face at this time, could it be that they could still eat her by showing her happiness?joke!
"You, what did you do to us?" The sick man asked hastily.This was what worried her the most and was the most nervous.If Liu Yiyi, a bitch, had given herself some kind of poison to make them die like this, she would definitely not be able to swallow this breath even in the underworld.

Liu Yiyi is really vicious, and the sick man has already deeply understood this point.However, she doesn't give up, as long as she is alive, she will fight with her for a day.Don't give up!
This is the inner vow of the sick man!

"Say, what on earth did you feed us, and why did we do this?!" The sick man asked loudly again.

"Oh, nothing..."

"'re talking nonsense!"

Liu Yiyi looked at them in amazement. At this time, she was victorious like a cat that just caught a sparrow, greedily looking at the prey that had no power to parry in front of her.

Liu Yiyi smiled ambiguously: "You may have forgotten that you stole my bacon in the kitchen, and I have never been in it... So, why are you rascalizing me like this? I am really innocent, why am I, Liu Yiyi? That's how it attracts people's hatred, and it's so inexplicably hated."

"You... dead woman, don't deny it! It must be you, tell us, tell us..."

"Damn, I really didn't do anything to you, do I use it? That's the truth!"

In fact, you poisoned yourselves. What does it matter to her?Liu Yiyi gave them a supercilious look.

Liu Yiyi smiled evilly, and laughed even more recklessly.She had never been so happy.Well, now she suddenly felt very evil that such a punishment for them was even better than resolving them with force.

Okay, let's come to Wendou from now on, shall we?

Liu Yiyi was talking to herself.

But Liu Yiyi, it only takes your opponent to be willing.

"Really, it's so stinky here, it's weird..."


"Oh, I don't want you to stay here...Really, this is still my new home..."

Liu Yiyi had a look of remorse, and it was true that the smell was really bad.

Liu Yiyi waved her hand and hurried away.


When Mrs. Qian and old man Qian heard that their son and the sick child were carried back by Liu Yiyi.Immediately, they were stunned for a moment, and then the two immediately understood.

"Okay Liu Yiyi...Old man, what are you waiting for, why don't you rush over and help your son teach that stinky woman a lesson?"

Qian Shi gritted her teeth. In this life, although her son is not very good, but... Liu Yiyi is really too ruthless.Doesn't this mean that she will have no children and grandchildren?
Old man Qian rolled his eyes at the dead old woman, thanks to her for thinking it out.

"Don't go, you have to go by yourself, the embarrassment is not enough!"

"You old man, why are you like this? Isn't your son yours?"

Qian is so anxious, in fact, he is still thinking about his kimchi.

(End of this chapter)

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