Tough concubine: to make a fortune from the splendid pastoral

Chapter 330 Qian Shi Wants to Hug Liu Yiyi's Thigh 3

Chapter 330 Qian Shi Wants to Hug Liu Yiyi's Thigh 3
These days, I have been disturbed by these people. After a few days of my good life, there are always people to disturb things.

Liu Yiyi watched these people look around as soon as they entered the room, seeing this or that, the greed in their eyes was really so strong.

Wang Qi, hehe... This bastard's family members are also like this, so he still keeps saying that he wants to be with him, is that okay?Fortunately, she didn't agree casually. If she really agreed, it would be unlucky, and it would be a big trouble for the follow-up shop.

Liu Yiyi couldn't bear such a family.She looked clearly and saw the trace of greed in each of their eyes.

They are not much better than the people of Lao Qian's family, and they are superior in that they have more people, so she is completely unwilling to get involved, but today they came here by themselves.

Or, it was one of the reasons why Qian's going to inform them, but this was also what they wanted, because the demons in their hearts had been driving them to do so.

Wang Qi, now we have to wait for Wang Qi to come and deal with it himself.

Qian Shi once bullied herself, this is something that everyone knows on the surface, so she beat Qian Shi twice, Liu Yiyi thought it was totally right.On the contrary, for these individuals, Liu Yiyi was not sure whether she could win the battle, so now she had no choice but to stand still.

The two buns said that Wang Qi went out for a while, and said he would come back for some snacks in the afternoon.Liu Yiyi estimated that he would be back soon.Then just wait, Liu Yiyi doesn't want to face so many people and have an angry incident with this family.

However, she has already held grudges in her heart for the ugly things they said about herself just now.

Is there anyone who does not take revenge?After bullying someone, you just want to leave like this. Isn't that too cheap for them?
Wang Qi still came back on time, and did not keep Liu Yiyi waiting for too long.

As soon as Wang Qi came, his eyes turned green when he saw his parents and the whole family were here.This is gas green.

"How did you get here?" He asked immediately.It's okay if you don't ask, now he can't wait to learn from Liu Yiyi's courage and drive the family away.Just like Liu Yiyi drove Qian Shi away from her territory.

Liu Yiyi chuckled, there was no real smile in her eyes at this moment.

"Wang Qi, you are really capable, you are really a good man...Look, what did you say to your family? Did I ever spend a penny from you?"

Liu Yiyi's cynicism was intense.Wang Qi never thought that his family members would come to make trouble, but now that he knew it, he was really furious. "What's the matter, father and mother, why are you here to make trouble?"

"What and why?" Looking at the son she raised with her own hands, Wang questioned herself.Wang's heart is also anxious.

From Wang's point of view, just now Liu Yiyi was tipping off her son with secret words, and Liu Yiyi wanted to use her son's hand to deal with her.

"This is really too much, son, shouldn't you have spent so much money on this woman?"

Mr. Wang had a headache, especially after entering the house and seeing so many New Year's goods in the kitchen of Liu Yiyi's house.

Liu Yiyi didn't want to deal with these people, so she wanted to drive them away as soon as possible, and at the same time vent her anger for herself.

(End of this chapter)

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