Chapter 345
"When you were lying on the bed today, did you hear any movement outside?" Liu Yiyi asked while making breakfast.

"No." Xiao Baozi answered with a wry face.

"Well, then..." These two buns are really unreliable.For the two dogs in the family, Liu Yiyi is completely disappointed now.

Liu Yiyi guessed that either the old Qian's family or Wang Qi had been here.

Really, has the kitchen of their own home become their restaurant?
Don't get caught.Otherwise, I will hack you to death! !

Fortunately, the bacon at home was not stolen, Liu Yiyi counted it, even if it was stolen, it would be bad luck for them.Ugh……

After finishing her son's breakfast, Liu Yiyi gnawed on her two meatloaf.

After Liu Yiyi saw the two steamed buns destroying her meatloaf, Liu Yiyi saw the two steamed stuffed buns secretly glanced at her, and then they went back to the house immediately.

When they came out, Liu Yiyi saw that their pockets were bulging.

Liu Yiyi didn't know what she was going for, she saw them yelling at the big dog, and they took a small cart, which had the four wheels that Wang Qi added to them, and two Strong twine.

Liu Yiyi knew that they were going to the chicken farm to buy chicken and duck offal.It is estimated that they ate two meatloaf for breakfast. It has nothing to do with them being full.

Really, thief bun!

Liu Yiyi didn't wait long, and waited until they came home having sex.

Liu Yiyi then started to clean the internal organs of the chicken and duck together with Baozi. After half an hour was done, Liu Yiyi took another half hour to start making meatballs.

After finishing, Liu Yiyi left two more for each of them.

"Mother, it's too little..." Finally, the two buns began to complain.

Liu Yiyi made a small face, why are there so few? They ate meat in the morning, these two buns...

"Mother is worried that you will gain weight and turn into chubby little fat people. Mother won't like it...Mother is worried..."

"Uh..." Qian Guangguang was dumbfounded.

"It turns out that's the case, no wonder...Mother doesn't give us enough food lately, don't worry, mother, we won't get fat!" The two steamed buns quickly promised.

"No wonder!" Liu Yiyi refused.

The two buns acted like a baby with Liu Yiyi for a while, Liu Yiyi had no choice but to give them two more meat buns.This is a meat bun made with chicken and duck offal to adjust the umami flavor.The taste is much better than ordinary pork buns!

"Eat it, be careful it's hot..."

Liu Yiyi was helpless, and then strongly ordered them to watch the house at home, and then Liu Yiyi went out to do business.

This is how it goes every morning.Only in the afternoon, something is different.

Today Liu Yiyi planned to buy five catties of wheat noodles, five catties of rice, five catties of cornmeal, and five catties of sugar to go home.

The granary at home is almost empty.Except for some meat, vegetables and so on, these staple foods are not many at home.

When he arrived in the city, the shopkeeper Liu went around the old rules, sold the meatballs, and then went to find the elder brothers and the younger brothers.

Liu Yiyi planned to ask them to help her choose two goats in the city, preferably ones that could produce milk. Although goat milk has a fishy smell, Liu Yiyi has enough wrists to get rid of the smell, and instead become a goat. Delicious goat milk.Because she is optimistic about the chef.

(End of this chapter)

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