Chapter 353
"Oh, isn't this the normal way of thinking of ordinary people? Think about it, you have been bullied by this family for so many years, and you have finally turned yourself over and become the master. Now that you can control your own destiny, you are willing to trample the enemy to death all at once, and let them Can't dance in front of you anymore?
Seriously, this, this is not something a smart person should do...

Liu Yiyi pointed her fingers secretly, this guy really spoke out from his heart...he is really a roundworm in his stomach, a roundworm...

Look, what he said was precise.It was so precise that Liu Yiyi secretly admired it deeply.

So Liu Yiyi started to laugh... It wasn't that she wanted to laugh, but she couldn't help it, okay? Liu Yiyi then rubbed her chin and looked at the other person's teeth. To be honest, this guy, compared to himself More evil and cunning.

"Liu Yiyi, if you really just use me as a cover today, I feel like I'm being used by you..." Suddenly, the man with the teeth suddenly said such a sentence.

"Uh..." Liu Yiyi really didn't understand what the guy on the other side wanted to do.

"Liu Yiyi..."

"Huh?" Puzzled, she looked at him suspiciously, and thought to herself, is he also interested in herself?

Alas, she is really a beauty that everyone loves flowers and flowers bloom...

Liu Yiyi, who started to be so beautiful by herself, began to praise herself shamelessly.

She felt no shame at all.

"Liu Yiyi, I can help you today, but there are conditions!" He played with his fingers.He looked at her with a smile.

"Fuck, I knew that men in the world really don't have a good thing, facts speak louder than words!" Liu Yiyi yelled loudly.

The face of the human-toothed man on the opposite side was darkened by her yelling at him.He immediately gritted his teeth: "Liu Yiyi, you, do you want to use my hand to do bad things?" He warned.

Liu Yiyi looked like a ruffian, and immediately said:

"Why do I have to borrow your hand? It's just a coincidence that you live in this village. I have plenty of ways to get other people to do things for me. Moreover, it is absolutely impossible for others to put forward any conditions! Look... don't you? You, you, really think of me, Liu Yiyi, too simply..."

At this time, the face of the man with teeth on the opposite side was beyond description black, and at this moment, there was also a trace of thick flames rising from the tip of his heart.

"Liu Yiyi, that's good, I'll go now..."

He didn't let this dead woman play tricks, he also had principles, he came today, he had already seen that this Liu Yiyi came to his house deliberately to use him.

Well, since he knew that she was using him, he made it clear that he would open up the conversation with her. Anyway, everyone is not a good person, right?

But, you see, this dead woman, not only does not have the consciousness that I want to do bad things, but also wants to murmur. Everyone knows that her eyes are telling him at this moment, you go and talk, you go and tell the whole world People, especially sick people, they said, she Liu Yiyi looks completely fearless.

You said, such a woman, whoever marries her is really unlucky.Words could no longer express the anger in his heart at this moment.

His complexion has now become a sauce purple, so there is a reason for this.

(End of this chapter)

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