Tough concubine: to make a fortune from the splendid pastoral

Chapter 362 Developing Agricultural Production 2

Chapter 362 Developing Agricultural Production 2
When he followed Liu Yiyi to this village, before he arrived at the village, he was already attracted by the dense plain in front of him.

That's right, from a distance, basically nothing but grass is grass, but they don't know, are these grasses divided into different types?

Many types are available, and many grasses can be used as treasures.

At this time, he found many such grasses here.If these grasses are cultivated and even start to multiply, they can bring a lot of economic value.

Sudan grass, also known as wild sorghum, is named Sudan Yiebusu.Sorghum is an annual herbaceous plant. The plant height can be divided into dwarf type, medium type and high type according to different varieties and cultivation conditions, with a maximum height of more than 3 meters.Seedlings of this wild sorghum are also available here.This made him feel very surprised.This is a good cash crop.

The name is grass, but it is also a grass that can produce food, so it has the reputation of wild sorghum.This wild sorghum has strong tillers, with dozens to hundreds of tillers, growing into large clusters.Inflorescence panicles, scattered.The seeds are divided into yellow, tan, and black according to different varieties.There are quite a few scattered here, and he guessed it was brought here by migrating birds.This may be a big deal.

Sudan grass is a high-yield feed crop.Dry farming, 1500-2000 kg of fresh grass per mu, 25-75 kg of seeds per mu.The rain conditions are good, and the grass yield is as high as 3500 kg.Planted in irrigated land, the yield of fresh grass per mu is 2500-5000 kg, the seed yield is 100-175 kg, and the high one can reach more than 200 kg.

Its grass leaves and seeds are precious.Cattle like to eat this nutrient-rich plant, which has more protein than other grasses.Fresh grass can be used for green feed, prepared green hay and silage, and the grain can be used as concentrate for supplementary feeding.Like temperature, spring development type grass.The adapted environment is the same as that of sorghum, and it matures earlier.

The minimum temperature for seed germination is 8°C to 10°C, the most suitable temperature is 20°C to 30°C, and the growth period requires an accumulated temperature of 2200°C to 3000°C.Tillering occurs when the fifth leaf appears 5 to 6 weeks after sowing, and the whole growth period is 5 to 110 days.The root system is developed, the soil is deep, the water absorption capacity is strong, and the skin tissue of the stem and leaf is tight, which can reduce the evaporation of water.

Growth stagnates during the dry season and resumes when water is abundant.Therefore, it can not only resist soil drought, but also resist atmospheric drought, and is a better drought-resistant crop.

The regenerative ability is extremely strong, and the regeneration comes from the tiller nodes, axillary buds and tiller branches that retain the growth point, which constitutes the high-yield and stable-yield good traits of sudan grass.When the weather is fine and the water and fertilizer are sufficient, the regeneration ability is strong, and it can be harvested many times.

He also saw another kind of grass here—the emperor bamboo grass.This emperor bamboo grass is also rich in protein, vitamins, amino acids and other nutrients, and is a high-quality feed for herbivores.

It has more leaves and soft leaves, less bristles on the surface of stems and leaves, crisp, tender and juicy, and high soluble sugar content, which has a good effect on improving the palatability of livestock, can reduce the consumption and cost of concentrated feed, and can also be used as silage for future use , It is also a better raw material for making complete nutritional feed.Harvest within one month of growth and process it into grass powder, which can be directly fed to herbivores, or used to produce mixed feed for livestock and poultry.

Royal bamboo grass pulp has good performance and soft fibers, and it can make high-quality paper products.'s a pity, I really don't know how to use good things.

During dinner, Liu Yiyi heard this monk's summary after seeing her field this afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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