Chapter 383 Escape 3
"No, every time, it's not just you who came up to me to provoke me first. Time and time again, your son and daughter-in-law don't work honestly for me, and just want to make some moths out of me all day long.

Well, old man Qian, I won't talk nonsense with you, Wang Qi, go and call the village chief..."

With a big wave of Liu Yiyi's hand, it is bound to make the old man look ugly.

Wang Qi was taken aback, this woman really is, what does she take the village chief for?It's a big night.

"I'll call early tomorrow morning, and he's going to sleep too..."

" go and tie this dead old man up for me first..."

Wang Qi sighed, grabbed the thick hemp rope that Liu Yiyi had held tightly in his hand, and Wang Qi went to do it.

"Is it tied firmly?" Liu Yiyi asked again worried.

"Sorry, don't worry, do you want to check it out?" Wang Qi rolled his eyes.

"Damn, I haven't settled with you yet, but you still dare to talk to me in such a tone. You want to court death, don't you?" Liu Yiyi roared.

"I don't want to die, besides, can you beat me?" Wang Qi rolled his eyes again and continued to throw it.

"Tell me, what's the matter with a foreign monk suddenly coming to your house?" Wang Qi's face turned ugly again.

Liu Yiyi was so angry that he jumped, what did it matter to him: "Damn, where is there a monk in my family? Are you a thief listening to nonsense?" Liu Yiyi naturally wanted to deny it.

At this time, old man Qian became anxious, he opened his mouth and said:

"Brother Wang Qi, there are, and they are in her house. If you don't believe me, go find them... I promise you will find one right away.

Liu Yiyi, you have a fan monk in your family, I didn't expect you to deny it, and you want to hide it from Brother Wang Qi!

This is a fact that the whole village, including our Laoqian family, has witnessed with their own eyes.

Wang Qi, let me tell you, that fan monk is not very old, only one or two years older than Liu Yiyi, and he looks quite handsome.You'll know it when you see it.Guaranteed to know that I'm not talking nonsense to you... Everyone is still saying that this monk doesn't look like a monk, and that Liu Yiyi is fooling everyone..."

At this time, the more Wang Qi looked at Liu Yiyi's face, the more ugly it was.He was just about to die of rage.Well, it's only been a few days, if he doesn't come, does she just want to find a man?I didn't eat the fat in my mouth, but I was caught by others first?
This dead woman, he came here at night just to find out about this matter, but when he asked her, she still refused to admit it, and she even asked her deadly enemy to tell him.

This woman... Wang Qi is so angry that he really wants to grind his teeth now.

Liu Yiyi was even more angry, okay?Why, why... Why am I so unlucky about things in this world?What do you think it has to do with him, Wang Qi?

"Tell me, is there such a wild man in your house?" Wang Qi gritted his teeth and asked Liu Yiyi again, remembering the last time Liu Yiyi drove him away fiercely that day. The thing is to...

Wang Qi couldn't believe it, he really didn't believe that this woman's intentions were so impure, but even though he didn't want to think about her like this, what Old Man Qian said so swearingly at this moment, could it be that he slandered her again?
It's not like that!

Wang Qi is very suspicious of Liu Yiyi now.

Of course Liu Yiyi also saw this, what Liu Yiyi did was to run over directly, stretch out her foot and kick it hard.

(End of this chapter)

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