Chapter 386 Escape 6
It is absolutely impossible for Liu Yiyi to just let the enemy bully her.

That day, she was not polite, and directly scolded Wang Qi in it, who made this group of people belong to his family.


The next morning, Liu Yiyi got up early.

Actually, this night, Liu Yiyi didn't dare to sleep too much.She was not like the two buns who clearly agreed to help her catch the thief, but, look, she was still sound asleep until dawn.

Liu Yiyi turned her head, and then, Liu Yiyi called Wang Qi, telling him to get up quickly.

Did he want her two buns to see that he slept here last night?
This guy, Liu Yiyi seemed to have a recognition at this time, she felt that Wang Qi stayed last night just to hurt herself.


Liu Yiyi left this sentence and went out first.She first went to see old man Qian in the woodshed to see if he was still dishonest, and she would definitely not let him go today.

However, Liu Yiyi ran to the woodshed early in the morning.Here, how can there be anyone here?
"The old guy ran away? Damn, Wang Qi! You die for me!"

Liu Yiyi was at her home early in the morning and called a man by his name.

This made the monk who lived not far from her rush out to see what happened.

"What's the matter, Liu Yiyi, who are you calling?" Fan Seng still asked desperately.

At this time, Wang Qi happened to also come out of Liu Yiyi's room.

Wang Qi first glared at the foreign monk who was looking in the distance, and Wang Qi had a bad look on him.Especially when Wang Qi saw that the foreign monk was indeed good-looking, Wang Qi was even more jealous.

Immediately, Wang Qi walked towards Liu Yiyi feeling very uncomfortable. Wang Qi stretched out his arms as if swearing sovereignty, and immediately wrapped Liu Yiyi's waist: "It's so early in the morning, what are you calling a man for?"

When Wang Qi said this, he stared at the fan monk who couldn't close his mouth.

"Omitabha Buddha..." With a stab, he hid in his room.It's still warmer inside than outside.The gaze of this stranger is really terrifying.

"You did it on purpose, right?" Liu Yiyi wasn't stupid, she immediately understood why Wang Qi made such a face.
"You really think of me as your woman? Damn, I didn't agree, old lady." Liu Yiyi yelled at him, even though she was a more open-minded woman who came from modern times, but she was not so big. Early in the morning, a man walked out of his room slowly, and said such a sentence to others.

Is this man ashamed?Oh, no, it's not about being ashamed anymore, it's about discrediting him, is it because he yelled at him and scolded him like that last time, and he wanted to use this method to harm himself.

Could it be that what Qian Xuantian said last time was right, this guy also valued his own money.Otherwise, what else?
Even if Liu Yiyi thought about it again, she never accepted the reality in her mind, that is, Wang Qi really liked her already.

"Why did Liu Yiyi ask me to come out?" Wang Qi was smiling, with a narrow expression on his face, just like last night.Especially after the enemy sneaked into his room, he was even more cheerful.

"You still come to ask me..." Liu Yiyi became angry when she heard it: "Whoa, old man Qian ran away!"

(End of this chapter)

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