Chapter 388 Regret Part 1
However, she is not stupid, his family members are just saying that she cheated Wang Qi of his money, if she really took his money now, wouldn't it be true?


Liu Yiyi loves money, but why should she take his money?She has nothing to do with him.

Liu Yiyi took out a bank note from it.

"Okay, this little money will be your meal expenses some time ago..."

Liu Yiyi is a calculating person and will not let herself suffer.Even under such circumstances.

"..." Wang Qi's answer was speechless, staring at this woman.This woman really had the nerve to say so.Didn't he just eat something from her?Is it worth how many times she calls?


old money family.

After the action of "rescuing" old man Qian last night on a bowl, Qian's work was overwhelmed.

At that time, Qian knew what old man Qian was going to do.So, in her heart, she encouraged old man Qian to go to Liu Yiyi's house to do some business.

However, Mrs. Qian waited and waited. It was getting darker and darker at that time, but the old man Qian just didn't come back.

Qian Shi was in a hurry.Qian Shi thought to herself, maybe the old man was caught by Liu Yiyi.This possibility is still very high.

Qian went to Liu Yiyi's house and secretly stared at her.Sure enough, he saw old man Qian tied up by his hands and feet, and pressed to the woodshed.

"Old man, are you feeling better?" Qian stepped forward with a concerned face and asked again at this time.From yesterday to now, Qian has asked him many times.

Early in the morning, on the kang above Lao Qian's house.

"Go away, old man, I can't die! Are you asking me all day long if I'm alright, are you expecting me to have something in case, do you want to find another old dream by yourself..."

Old man Qian was very angry.Last night, this was the sum of the embarrassment of his life, and it wasn't that much.

"Hey, old man, don't be sad. It's not that you don't know what Liu Yiyi is, so why bother you, why are you so angry with her, don't you think it's not worth Be careful that you ruin your body with anger..."

Qian called out like this.Almost every time he said a word, he patted Old Man Qian on the chest, as if to comfort Old Man Qian, maybe the people beside him who couldn't understand, was that Mrs. Qian was slapping Old Man Qian.

"Damn, I've been so unlucky in my life... You old woman, you're the one who caused this..." The more Qian thought about it, the angrier he became, so, from yesterday to this morning, even though he was rescued He came back, but the anger in his heart didn't come out, he was so angry that he still hasn't slept yet.

"Well, yes, I feel the same way..." Qian also had the nerve to say this.

This time, he made old man Qian even more angry.

In fact, what old man Qian wanted to say was why he was so unlucky to marry such a stupid woman from the Qian family.

Last night, if Mrs. Qian hadn't said that Liu Yiyi's kitchen was never locked, he wouldn't have wanted to try it at night.To commit such a disgraceful thing.

Well, that's how he got caught.On the contrary, it was the dead old woman who had been there during the day, and she was fine. Regarding this, old man Qian felt even more angry...

Old man Qian remembered when he was arrested, but he clearly heard Liu Yiyi still say that he had also been to her kitchen during the day!

(End of this chapter)

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