Chapter 399 Married to Wang Qi 3
"What are you laughing at?" Two little bastards, your mother is worrying, and you are holding me back.

"Mom, what else are you thinking about, we've already found you a man... don't worry..."

"Who..." Liu Yiyi was shocked.

"Uncle Wang..."

"Yes, mother, I am very satisfied, you can live a good life with him, he is very good to our little brother..."

"Uh, is that so?" Liu Yiyi tilted her mouth.What should I do this time?The two buns were already too obvious, and they were completely bribed by Wang Qi without him noticing.

The next day Wang Qi came over early in the morning and asked Liu Yiyi directly: "Liu Yiyi, have you thought about it yet?" He asked very seriously.

"Well,..." Liu Yiyi nodded indiscriminately.

But I was scolding him awkwardly in my heart: Damn, you made me so anxious, you even bought my two buns, what do you make me think?I didn't even have a chance to think about other men!Why am I not wronged...

Liu Yiyi was very dissatisfied.

"Really?!" Wang Qi was stunned and shocked.

He was prepared to come here, waiting for this woman to delay a little longer.After all, this woman was no ordinary Moji in his opinion.

Wang Qi also has some scruples in her heart that she can have such an enviable property as today.She is too rich, the more worried he is.

Liu Yiyi sighed and said, "Anyway, I promised, I agreed, and I don't care about anything from now on..."

How could Wang Qi say no? Besides, Wang Qi didn't want her to do anything... How dare he?
Wang Qi quickly laughed like a cat that has stolen fish, and said repeatedly: "Don't worry about it, don't worry about it, just leave it to me... I won't treat you badly..."

"There is another very important point, you must live in my house from now on..." Liu Yiyi will definitely insist on this point...

"Huh? Then what am I... It's not that I can't afford you... Liu Yiyi's idea is really bad, think about it, don't you? This will make other people think of me, Wang Qi, and they won't say that I am Wang Qi." Is it raised by a woman? Don’t want it, okay? Live in my house, I have a new house built for you...Really...I have already prepared it a while ago...I just haven’t dared to tell you... "

Wang Qi simply didn't know what Liu Yiyi was thinking.This is a very embarrassing thing for him as a man.

What's more, there has never been such a shame in the ten miles and eight villages around here.

Even the door-to-door son-in-law is not as embarrassed as him...

This is a challenge to his dignity as a man.

"Then do you agree or not?!" Liu Yiyi asked him with her hands on her hips, her face frowned.

"Uh..." What else could he do.Hastily gave up his masculine dignity and said:

"Promise, I won't agree unless I'm stupid..." Wang Qi felt really uncomfortable.But there was a smile on his face, and he comforted himself in his heart: If you lose face, just lose it... whoever let him find a fierce woman.

"It's almost..."

Liu Yiyi was a little satisfied.For the first time, I felt that it might be good to have such a guy by my side.

His toughness before and his armed forces seemed so ridiculous at this moment.

She even scolded him like that, but he turned around and went home to deal with the matter.

Don't worry about her, this may be the greatest love for a woman.

She doesn't have to worry about anything, he has everything.

(End of this chapter)

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