Tough concubine: to make a fortune from the splendid pastoral

Chapter 402 Liu Yiyi Married, Qian's Crazy 1

Chapter 402 Liu Yiyi Married, Qian's Crazy 1
"Is there?" Liu Yiyi blinked and pretended to be confused.

This is really what worries her.Liu Yiyi said to Wang Qiyi that Wang Qi also agrees, well, let's just spend some money on their own, if they spend it, they will spend it, and they still have to spend the money.

So he simply invited Wang Guihua and her natal sister-in-law, who was sick, to the city to watch a big show, have a big meal, and then don't come back...

"Liu Yiyi, you are really despicable. When my son found out, he was shocked..." Mrs. Qian pointed at Liu Yiyi's nose and scolded as soon as she came over today.

"Liu Yiyi, why did you come up with this idea? You asked the whole village not to tell me that you got married. Tell me, what do you want to do without telling me?"

Qian also turned around and questioned Liu Yiyi.

Liu Yiyi's answer was to shrug her shoulders, and said with a faint smile, "What do you think I want to do? Haven't I already done this?" Liu Yiyi covered her mouth and laughed.deliberately pissed her off.

"You woman, you really have a dark heart. I asked my son to help you work, just to get close to you, but look...

Not only did you fail to fulfill my wish, you also think about plotting against me all black-hearted..."

"Wow, did I plot against you?" It's not that she, Liu Yiyi, is dragging her now, and she, Liu Yiyi, is already disdainful now.This dead old woman's ability to turn black and white, Liu Yiyi cast her eyes on her.But so what?
Qian Shi is already in her eyes, and he is completely not a person who can hurt herself anymore.

Liu Yiyi also saw from Qian's eyes that Qian was actually afraid of herself.However, Liu Yiyi didn't know why Qian's fear always allowed her to conceive such extremely fierce words to question herself?
What is Qian's reason?What else is their old Qian family proud of?
Qian didn't care about the doubt in Liu Yiyi's eyes, Qian jumped and scolded:
"Why didn't you plan on me, you want to get married, you want to marry Wang Qi, damn, you didn't fart a single fart beforehand, and you gave me this trick again yesterday... all the people in our old Qian's family, up, down, left, and right, Get it to the city! What is your purpose?
Liu Yiyi, let me tell you, I see it clearly!
Liu Yiyi, don't think that you will get rid of our old Qian's family in the future, after all, you still have two grandchildren of our old Qian's family..."

Qian said a lot, and now she finally said what she wanted to express in her mind.

Liu Yiyi squinted her eyes, it turned out to be this.

What she, Liu Yiyi, couldn't stand the most was that the enemy dared to use her two sons as bargaining chips to talk to her.I just don't want to live anymore!
Liu Yiyi would never allow her son to become a sharp weapon in the mouth of the dead old woman.

"What do you want to do?" Liu Yiyi took a step closer, her eyes filled with sternness.Hers suddenly tickled.I really want to punch someone...

"I, I... I just want you to give us back the two children of Lao Qian's family... These are the flesh and blood of Lao Qian's family... Don't you want to take away things from our Lao Qian's family so cheaply... Don't even think about it Liu Yiyi... Let me tell you, this is impossible..." Qian began to back away slowly, but she was still resisting firmly.

Seeing Liu Yiyi's eyes at first, Qian Shi was scared, but when she said the words slowly and step by step, she felt that she was too preoccupied with "words", so the fear in her heart was being pushed away. until not afraid.

(End of this chapter)

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