Chapter 423 Wang Qi's Work 4
Liu Yiyi is a woman who can do what she says.Wang Qiji is of no use to her.

Now Wang Qi is so angry that he just wants to curse.

"Let's go, let's go...I remember..." Wang Qi wanted to finish today's work, and then go home early and put his wife on the hot kang.

Liu Yiyi was satisfied after hearing this.Nodding again and again.So Liu Yiyi told Wang Qi that she had seen a prince in the county before, and he also smiled like this,
"It's really... I just don't understand why men like you in this world are so virtuous... It's just a smile, what's there to be particular about, and you like to hide your good looks, and you're not a woman... ..."

Wang Qi was taken aback for a moment, his heart was suddenly a little dazed, and he looked into the distance.He seemed to know who Liu Yiyi was talking about.

However, this has nothing to do with me.Still wondering what he did.

"Let's go... When you see this kind of person in the future, don't pay attention to him. If you don't like it, let's not look at it."

"But I can't live with money, otherwise I won't make any money. In this world, there are a few people that I like. Alas, it makes me really uncomfortable..."

Wang Qi believed Liu Yiyi's words.Just because I was so kind to her before, she can say that she has nothing to do with her for no reason at once, she can scold herself bloody, regardless of 21, [-], and drive herself out of her house several times .

Wang Qi soon arrived at this family.

Liu Yiyi signaled Wang Qi to knock on the door.

Wang Qi walked up the steps.This is a step made of soil and gravel.This step is not high, there are only a few steps in total.

It was when Wang Qi walked up to the third step that Liu Yiyi remembered: This poor family is also a villager in the country, why is he so poor and particular, and even made such a step, what is the point here?

Guangliu Yiyi remembered that the place with steps was also a high-level courtyard, or it was only a large restaurant and shop in the city.

Ordinary ordinary people, and their families are so poor, whoever has this spare time, makes it inconvenient for themselves, and has to lift their feet to enter the door, isn't that the reason?

If Liu Yiyi were to tell her, something was wrong.

Liu Yiyi saw the door of the room opened, and a girl's head poked out from inside, and then she shrank back, as if she was going back to call for someone.

Liu Yiyi continued to watch.

Soon, all the members of this family came out in a hurry.

They went to the yard, first came to open the door for Wang Qi, and then saw Liu Yiyi, a woman, actually following Wang Qi, their faces were full of doubts.

"Brother Wang Qi, you are here..." It was an older man who spoke.

He looked sad.

Liu Yiyi was surprised.But did not interrupt.She wanted to see what Wang Qi did.She has never done anything with Wang Qi.

"Well, here we come. Is the money ready?" Wang Qi asked in a nonchalant manner, as if he was asking how the weather is today.He scanned all the people in their family.

"Oh, not yet... Brother Wang Qi, see if you can..."

Liu Yiyi interjected: "Of course not... Otherwise, you want our family to drink northwest wind?"

Liu Yiyi was very dissatisfied.Damn, I want to owe money!
Wang Qi frowned, shit, this woman hasn't spoken yet, she's just so anxious.

And you see, before the other person has finished speaking, you are eager to interrupt, so that you have no temperament to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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