Tough concubine: to make a fortune from the splendid pastoral

Chapter 435 The Old Wang Family Are Not Good 2

Chapter 435 The Old Wang Family Are Not Good 2
She even thought, look, look, Liu Yiyi, have you seen that my sons are all on my side now!
If it is said that he is on your side, we have scolded you like this, but look, he didn't say a word, what does this mean?
Ha ha……

Liu Yiyi, this means that my son treats you like an ass!

That's why, Wang thinks she can see clearly and figure out her son's temper, so she just forgives her son for coming back last time and yelling fiercely at their whole family.

Mrs. Wang even thought that these were her son's ignorance, and even forgave her son for this, and found a good reason for her son.

The reason is that this is all Liu Yiyi's lowly woman playing tricks on her son behind her back. If not, how could he do this?
So, with such an idea in mind, Wang went to war again.
Wang raised her throat, and stood next to the two daughters-in-law who had the same opinion and camp as her, and they didn't have a good face towards Liu Yiyi.

"Liu Yiyi, please don't spoil my son, this son has always been very kind to me..." Mrs. Wang first came to be courteous.

Seeing that woman Liu Yiyi didn't object, Mrs. Wang just narrowed her eyes when she looked towards her.

Look, I learned this from my son!
This dead woman.Wang is very opinionated about this.

While standing, Mrs. Wang stretched out her hand and pointed at the tip of Liu Yiyi's nose. There was a small black mole on the tip of Liu Yiyi's nose. Liu Yiyi immediately felt that it was beating non-stop.

It seems that the enemy has already attacked, and it can't wait.

Liu Yiyi had no choice, in order to appease the mole growing on her body, she couldn't let the enemy underestimate her, so she quickly kicked her out.Shock the enemy first.

However, Liu Yiyi was really out of standard.The direction is wrong.

"Look! Son, you woman dared to kick me, she actually wanted to kick me, help me teach her a lesson! Did you see that, son?"

Liu Yiyi didn't bother to pay attention to it, she was secretly unlucky that she didn't kick it when she hit it, and then thought, it seems that Wang Qi just pulled her lightly, and let her body move to the side to test a little bit.

So, Liu Yiyi's one-shot kick has lost her level just like that.

Depend on.

Liu Yiyi was so angry that this bastard man really didn't have one heart with him. If he had one heart with him, he would be able to see his mother, brother, and sisters-in-law insulting him and humiliating him like this without doing anything.

Man, if he is the same as Qian Xuantian, Liu Yiyi turned her eyes cold, hum, don't let her know, otherwise, this time, after she chooses to marry him, she will make this mistake for herself If you decide, I will teach you a lesson.

"Kick you, which eye did you see?" Liu Yiyi glanced at her, it wasn't that she wanted to take her seriously, but that this dead old man had entangled her several times.

She couldn't help it either, she had to.

The corner of Wang Qi's mouth twitched, thinking that this woman couldn't bear it in the end.But he sighed again, he didn't want to see Liu Yiyi being so fierce to his parents and his family, that's why he didn't go back to Lao Wang's house.

But unfortunately, when he took Liu Yiyi away, he met his elder brother.

It was such an unfortunate thing, and because of this, Liu Yiyi was aroused again.

She is also innocent.

(End of this chapter)

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