Tough concubine: to make a fortune from the splendid pastoral

Chapter 440 There is only one way to deal with it

Chapter 440 There is only one way to deal with it 3
Liu Yiyi said it bluntly.

"Then, let's go, anyway, I have nothing to do recently..." the old lady of the Yang family said.

"No, as long as Liu Yiyi pays, both my sons will participate!" Old Zhou was the most active.

Liu Yiyi nodded.That's good.

Turning around, Liu Yiyi took whoever was willing to go and set off.

On the way, Liu Yiyi met an acquaintance.

Liu Yiyi squinted her eyes: "Bitch man... what are you trying to do, are you trying to block the way?

Depend on!You don't even look at so many people here, you want to court death, don't you?OK, I can help you..."

Liu Yiyi laughed twice, shrank back, and the people behind immediately protected Liu Yiyi.

Damn, if you have money, you can really start a peasant uprising.

"Liu Yiyi heard that you are going to fight, is it the old Wang's family?" Qian Xuantian's eyes are full of stars.

Liu Yiyi narrowed her eyes, what does he want to do?Liu Yiyi started to take precautions.

"I'll go with you..." Qian Xuantian seemed very excited, or he was very gloating, when he said this, he looked at Liu Yiyi sideways.

Damn, Liu Yiyi suddenly understood what this cheap man Qian Xuantian wanted to do...

This guy actually wanted to use himself.Or Liu Yiyi saw a hint of calculation in his eyes, he just wanted to see himself make a fool of himself.

Damn, damn man!She got angry at the old Wang's house, and he seemed happier than anyone else.

Just as Liu Yiyi was cursing like this, Qian Shi also quickly ran from the direction of her home.

She seemed to have just learned the news.

Liu Yiyi squinted again. Didn't she tell the village chief not to tell old lady Qian?Who informed the dead woman again.

When a troublesome woman comes over, it will naturally become more complicated.

Liu Yiyi was annoyed to death.

Qian Shi chuckled, her hands were still stained with water, obviously she was washing them at home just now.

"Qian Xuantian, you take your mother home, I don't need you to go."

If you go, I will not be more unlucky.Liu Yiyi murmured in her heart.

"Hey, Liu Yiyi, this is your fault. We went to help you. Do you think we have a good image of Wang Qi? No, no..."

Qian shi jumped, she was bound to go today.

Liu Yiyi rolled her eyes, watching the old woman jumping in front of her like a clown.

"No, get out!" Liu Yiyi was furious.She is very busy now, so she can't waste time. If this provocative old woman rushes to go, then she will go there and let the old Wang family have more opportunities to talk about herself!

"Liu Yiyi, are you worried that my son and I will lose face if we go there!" Qian seemed to understand what Liu Yiyi meant.

"No!" Liu Yiyi gritted her teeth, she would never tell the truth.

"Hehe... that's good." How could Qian Shi not know the real reason why Liu Yiyi didn't like her past.Don't care about Qian Shi, she must go there today.Qian Shi looked at Liu Yiyi obliquely.

Qian and her son started to block Liu Yiyi's way.

"Let's forget about Liu Yiyi... Hurry up and pass by..."

Qian Shi gritted her teeth, so she warned Qian Shi many times along the way, and even threatened Qian Shi, warning her not to talk nonsense, but Qian Shi actually endured it and came over, agreeing wholeheartedly.

Liu Yiyi had no choice but to pass by like this.


(End of this chapter)

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