Chapter 452 What Will I Do With You? 5
On the way just now, she should have delayed a little longer to get rid of this bastard and his Qian Shi, who was also as black-hearted as old Wang Shi.

"Liu Yiyi, you still want to kick me now. You really don't know what's good or bad. Don't you see it clearly now? I'm the only one who treats you best in this world. Why would the old Wang family take a fancy to you? You don't want to." If you stay stubborn, you will be injured more seriously when you get it."

Qian Xuantian continued to act recklessly, perhaps because in his opinion, these things were taken for granted.Who made Liu Yiyi really owe a lesson.Who made Liu Yiyi really outrageous.

Today, he wanted to make Liu Yiyi feel such a pain in her heart. She had this kind of pain. After she remembered it, when she was still fierce to herself in the future, she should have some scruples, because, If she offends herself again, no one will want her in the future.

Who made her so fierce and unreasonable.

If today's incident happened to him, Liu Yiyi brought a group of people to beat him up, he would naturally be very angry, but at this time, Qian Xuantian's position is different, so naturally he thinks differently .

Qian Xuantian must have wanted to let Liu Yiyi know that he was good today, and even followed him after returning to the village today.Oh, no, it's better to let myself live in her new home.

That house is not bad, Qian Xuantian has already moved a lot of brains in his heart.

Now that his family is in an unreasonable mess, if it is, he will not have the idea of ​​leaving.Qian Xuantian understood why he wanted to live in Liu Yiyi's house so much.

Liu Yiyi's eyes were terrified now, but Qian Xuantian still didn't notice anything.

Qian Xuantian thought, he was really bored recently.Yuelan at home is becoming more and more separated from him by a wall. Every day when he finds an opportunity to talk to her, all the words that come out of her mouth are mocking herself.

And that Wang Osmanthus, I drove her away many times, but she just didn't leave, and I was even strict that the child in her stomach was definitely not my own, but she still insisted, I don't know why she was so sure.

For this reason, Qian Xuantian himself was afraid, he didn't want such a child at all.Now for Qian Xuantian, because he was not sure who the child belonged to, he didn't want to tell Liu Yiyi when he left home that the two buns Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang were not his.

He didn't want to wear such a green hat for the second time.

Although, maybe Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang may be his own when he thinks about it sometimes, but Liu Yiyi didn't say it, she said it from her mouth, so even if Qian Xuantian wants to believe This is his own child, he is not sure.

"Leave Liu Yiyi, let's go home now..." Qian also said positively.

Fan monks, dog dealers, Ren Yazi, local ruffians, and other people in the village who followed today felt that they were so transparent that they didn't dare to exist in front of Liu Yiyi at all today.Look, Qian Shi and Qian Xuantian love to show off so much.

Such a superb pair of mother and son, what do they want to do.Is it because you want a little more money?

Thinking of such a possibility, the dog dealer became anxious.His life has been a bit tight lately. Ever since Liu Yiyi went around the village to advertise that his dog can't even look after a house, his business has been very unsatisfactory.

(End of this chapter)

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