Tough concubine: to make a fortune from the splendid pastoral

Chapter 464 The old Wang family is thinking of a way 8

Chapter 464 The old Wang family is thinking of a way 8
Moreover, this fan monk doesn't even wear his cassock now.If he doesn't say that he is a monk now, who would know that he is a monk.What's more, he has bald donkey hair on his head.

"Liu Yiyi..." Wang Qi wanted to jump up angrily, but now he jumped over in a hurry.

Liu Yiyi didn't even have the time to raise her head, Wang Qi had already jumped in front of her.

Wang Qi ran over, grabbed Liu Yiyi to the chair beside him and sat down.

"What are you doing? Why are you crazy?" Liu Yiyi frowned, it wasn't that she had any objections to Wang Qi, but she just didn't like him recently, it was as simple as that.I always feel that it is better to be alone, and one more person is annoying.

"Liu Yiyi, why are you like this? I'm not here, so you and..." Wang Qi stared at Fan Seng.

Liu Yiyi didn't need to listen anymore, because she already knew what Wang Qi wanted to say to her?
When you talk about things in this world, it is ridiculous or not.She hasn't blamed him yet, of course, it's useless to blame him, he doesn't admit it at all.No matter what she wants to do to him, he always smiles like this on this matter, nodding his nose and passing by.

But, you see, when he began to doubt himself, alas, I really don't know who gave him such a fearless spirit.Liu Yiyi really admired it.I really admire it.

"Let me go..." Liu Yiyi put down the fried rice cake in her hand, and went to twist his thick arm.This man is a real jerk.She hated it once she saw it.

"Liu Yiyi, I think you should avoid the fan monks in the future."

Liu Yiyi's answer was just a blank stare, and the same was true for the monk sitting beside her.After he lived here, how could he not know the rumors about him and Liu Yiyi from outsiders, but isn't there still Wang Qi in this room?

When Wang Qi was away before, he also lived in the dilapidated house of the old Liu's house in front.

Damn, isn't this Wang Qi's imagination too rich?

It's not that Wang Qi has a rich imagination, but that this family, including Liu Yiyi, is also the same.

Liu Yiyi chuckled twice, then stood up.She took a look at the house built by old Liu Tou and his son.The house was not big, but it was not small either. It was a single room, occupying an area a little far away from here.Originally, Liu Yiyi planned to build a room next to her own house, but Wang Qi didn't agree with anything, even behind her back, and deliberately pushed herself away, and the foundation was already laid in the distance.

When Liu Yiyi came home, it was already afternoon, and the day lily was cold.

"Wang Qi, don't be so unreasonably angry, I think it's really funny..."

Liu Yiyi slapped off his hand that was still wrapped around her waist, he actually wanted to do something to her in front of the monk, he was getting fatter.

Liu Yiyi really didn't know what to do with Wang Qi.

Anyway, after what happened that day, she felt disgusted with him.This comes from the heart, and no one can change it.

Fan Seng quickly grabbed a plate in the hand of a bun, and there were seven or eight fried rice cakes in the plate.The monk slipped away.Do not participate in the crusade against Wang Qi, who is extremely jealous.

"Brother, brother, my fried rice cakes... all gone, robbed... woo woo..."

After Qian Guangguang was robbed of a plate by a fan monk, he wanted to cry.

Wang Qi was happy because his love rival had left.

(End of this chapter)

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