Chapter 478 Secret 7
"Space Jade Bracelet?!" The voice was very soft, but full of surprise.Suddenly there was a touch of joy... oh, no, it was secret joy...

Liu Yiyi had no idea that that bastard had left her body.

When Hades came to the world from the underworld, he brought two equally curious guys with him.

Yan Wang frowned: "What's going on? Where did the evil spirit come from?"

"Uh..." Ma Mian was surprised.But it did exist just now.Ma Mian went to call Niutou who was standing not far from Liu Yiyi.

"Hey, did Liu Yiyi feel strange just now?" He wanted to ask clearly.

Niutou is not stupid, but he doesn't know what the horse face is talking about.

"What's strange, it's strange that Liu Yiyi is not fierce!" It means that Liu Yiyi is normal now.

"Damn, nothing strange happened?" Ma Mian looked at Liu Yiyi with a worried face, although Liu Yiyi couldn't see him.

"Well, it's okay, what's the matter with you... Ah, the King of Hades is here too... Why didn't you tell me earlier, look at my rudeness..."

Niutou also learned from horse noodles, and suddenly became shrewd.

Hastily went over to salute His Royal Highness Hades.

Yan Wang didn't bother to talk to him.Like Yan Bao, he studied Liu Yiyi thoroughly.He still didn't find any clues, even what he felt was wrong with Liu Yiyi before, it doesn't seem strange now.

Hades sniffed at Liu Yiyi's evil spirit, but now he couldn't detect it at all.

This sudden situation, if you say it is strange, is really strange.

Ma Mian was sweating from the side.Peeking at Yan Wang and Master Yan Bao, fortunately they didn't blame themselves for lying about the military situation.

"However, the evil spirit on Liu Yiyi's body has completely disappeared now." Yan Bao is so strange.After observing Liu Yiyi for a while, he came to such a conclusion.

"Yeah, it's really strange. But why is this guy, something must have happened just now?"

"Yes, when I left just now, Liu Yiyi still had an obvious evil spirit on her body. But now I don't see it at all... Liu Yiyi's eyebrows are much more kind..."

I don't know who said this, but as soon as he heard his words, Liu Yiyi kicked violently, intending to join the battlefield, and kicked one of them.Whether it's the Qian family or the old Zhou family, for Liu Yiyi, it's nothing at all.The two old women are not good people in Liu Yiyi's mind.

Liu Yiyi, what are you doing?
Qian Xuantian beside Liu Yiyi was in a hurry, this Liu Yiyi, this dead woman, I just called her to help, not let her fight and make things more and more chaotic.

Qian Xuantian is really angry.He had never been so angry.Why is this dead woman in such a situation.

Qian Xuantian started to argue with Liu Yiyi.

Ren Yazi gritted his teeth aside, he didn't expect his mother to fight Qian Shi so hard.I can't get in even if I go to help.Depend on.

Also, who did she want to kick Liu Yiyi's kick just now? Looking at him from this angle, it's really hard to say.

He also suspected that Liu Yiyi had bad intentions.

Yan Bao on the side finally felt relieved, just now they were still worried that the evil spirit on Liu Yiyi's body had disappeared.Look, isn't this already there?
(End of this chapter)

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