Chapter 486 Showing Your Foot 5
Liu Yiyi was awakened by the noise outside, so she had to open her eyes.

When Liu Yiyi heard it, shit, this is still a row between the monk and Wang Qi.What for?Could it be that Wang Qi got angry with him, so he felt unhappy with the monk?
Let alone this matter, it is possible to believe it.

Liu Yiyi dressed and went out, came to the kitchen: "What's the matter?" Liu Yiyi really didn't want to ask.However, they came to themselves, and they were still in their own home.

Liu Yiyi didn't have any side, because these two guys made her disliked in her eyes.

Wang Qidao: "Liu Yiyi, listen to what he said to me?"

"What did you say?" Liu Yiyi was leisurely and indifferent, with a look of indifference.She really didn't understand why these two guys were having trouble.

In fact, the reason is very simple. Wang Qi decided that the foreign monk's cooking skills were poor, and it turned out that the foreign monk's cooking skills were very good.As a result, Wang Qi was even more angry, so he also went forward and picked out the same ingredients, and made these dishes.Then, things went wrong.

Liu Yiyi looked at the few small dishes on the table, and they were double servings, but they were made by two people.

Curious, Liu Yiyi lowered her head, picked up the chopsticks and tasted them all, and they all tasted good. "Fan Seng, do you know how to cook? Then you pretend you can't?" Liu Yiyi immediately asked.

"That's right, that's right, he wants you to cook it for him? Liu Yiyi, can you see his intentions?" Wang Qi yelled.

Can Liu Yiyi say that she actually didn't understand anything?


Soon, Liu Yiyi's family broke out.When the two buns came back, no one said anything, just picked up a basket of steamed buns that Mother had steamed, and went out again.

Liu Yiyi didn't care either.

From then on, Wang Qi forged a conflict with the fan monk.

In the afternoon, someone from Wang Qi Village called Wang Qi.Said that Wang Qi's parents told him to go home.

When Liu Yiyi heard this, her eyes lit up, look, he was about to show his feet.

Wang Qi didn't listen to what the man said, he didn't go home.This made Liu Yiyi a little disappointed.

Liu Yiyi didn't ask any further questions, but if Wang Qi wanted to go home, hehe, she would naturally follow.

But Wang Qi just didn't go out, didn't go back to his parents, Liu Yiyi was very dissatisfied.

In the evening, Wang Qi's eldest brother came to call Wang Qi himself.

There was a sneer at the corner of Liu Yiyi's mouth.Humph.

Wang Qi finally went home with his elder brother.

Fan Seng appeared suddenly at this time, obviously just this morning, Wang Qi was mad at him, and he wanted to do something now.

"What's the matter, let me help you follow over to have a look?" He said with a smile.

Liu Yiyi ignored him.

"Then I'll go." He seemed to think that Liu Yiyi had agreed.

After Liu Yiyi washed up, she went to bed early.

Wang Qi didn't come back today, Liu Yiyi asked the two buns to carry their quilts over to sleep with her.

"What have you been doing since morning?" Liu Yiyi was curious.I saw that these two buns are very busy today.

"It's nothing, mother..." Xiao Baozi's eyes flickered.Obviously this is filling up with something.

"Oh, is that so?" Liu Yiyi stared over.

"Uh... well..." One of the buns was still willing to put in a little bit.

"We went hunting today."

Liu Yiyi 囧, hunting?Baozi son?

(End of this chapter)

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