Tough concubine: to make a fortune from the splendid pastoral

Chapter 567 Everyone Knows Liu Yiyi's Secret 10

Chapter 567 Everyone Knows Liu Yiyi's Secret 10
Qian Xuantian thinks this way, if Liu Yiyi really has done something to his Yuelan, maybe it will be too late for him to do more today after two or three months.

Even if he wanted to do something more, he might not be able to help Liu Yiyi anymore.

It's really too late.

Because, this woman Liu Yiyi, in the past six months, she suddenly became completely different from before.

She is extremely fierce, domineering and unreasonable, sometimes, Qian Xuantian wonders if her brain is broken, otherwise, why the change is so great.This is really unreasonable.

There is such a reason that Liu Yiyi's brain is broken, but Qian Xuantian can only accept such a statement.

However, Liu Yiyi is really...

Now Qian Xuantian, the more he thinks about it, the more Qian Xuantian feels that Liu Yiyi is terrifying.

Qian Xuantian has now entered a strange circle formed in his mind.

Qian Xuantian did not expect that Liu Yiyi was such a person.

Now Qian Xuantian sneaks out from the place where he rested and was lazy just now by himself.

He looked around cautiously.He was even thinking, maybe, Liu Yiyi is hiding in the weeds on the side, and she is observing him without thinking about it.She is looking for a suitable opportunity to give herself the most severe blow.

If the enemy is like this, it makes Qian Xuantian even more worried.

Soon, Qian Xuantian's strange behavior took a step, and he looked around carefully, only to be seen by the frowning monk looking here.

"What are you doing?" You can tell at a glance that you have just been lazy, right?
But, you are lazy, why come back with this look?
"I, is Liu Yiyi at home?" Qian Xuantian has been here for two or three months, and Liu Yiyi announced to the outside world that she left, but after Qian Xuantian passed by just now, he figured it out. He believed that Liu Yiyi was hiding at home Woolen cloth.She didn't go anywhere, she deceived everyone in the village.This despicable shameless woman.

Fan Monk heard this, " did you know? You weren't here just now? Or, you did it on purpose..."

But before Fan Seng finished speaking, Fan Seng saw Qian Xuantian's shocked face, as if he showed the expression of being scared to death by himself.

Because Qian Xuantian was well prepared to go through some dealings with the fan monk before finding out Liu Yiyi's whereabouts.But……

"You, what you said is true..." This guy probably knew that he had doubts, so that's why he started like this...

Qian Xuantian began to doubt, and was very suspicious.

Qian Xuantian looked and looked at the face of the monk in front of him seriously.He finally made up his mind and said, "Is Liu Yiyi really at home?" He asked again, swallowing his own saliva.

"Crazy!" Fan Monk no longer had to doubt it.Because this is a typical case.

too obvious.

Qian Xuantian took two steps back, shit, Liu Yiyi is really at home, and his guess was right. Could it be that his other suspicion, another guess is also the same?
"What the hell is Liu Yiyi going to do? She is hiding at home alone, what is she going to do?" Qian Xuantian rushed out of the vegetable garden after saying this.

The fan monk cursed behind him: "Crazy, add two hundred and five, you must be crazy..."

Once Qian Xuantian came out, who could understand it?

(End of this chapter)

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