Chapter 68 Chapter 68 is back 3
"Liu Yiyi, you dead woman, where did you die? You don't do any work at home. Are you really itchy these days! If you want to be beaten, you should notify me earlier!"

Under the hint of the sick man, Qian Xuantian rushed to Liu Yiyi faster than Qian Shi.

Liu Yiyi only felt that a black mountain suddenly covered her head in front of her.

Liu Yiyi had just stepped into the courtyard gate, so the pressure was enormous.

Liu Yiyi frowned, why did this man block her way every time she went back to Lao Qian's house.

Asshole.You can't see me like this, okay?What do I rely on you for?Are you all relying on me?What is so arrogant about you, what is so proud of you, and how can you be more capable than me?No, if not, then...

"Step aside!"

Liu Yiyi didn't bother to pay attention to this lowly man, this kind of person could immediately bombard her for a while if he was slightly instigated by the sick man behind him.

Your grandma, you really think of yourself as the former Liu Yiyi.Did he take her too lightly?

"Where have you been?" Qian Xuantian frowned and asked anxiously.

"Going to find a man? What's wrong? Can you manage it?!"

Liu Yiyi arrogantly dropped this sentence that shocked everyone, and she directly bypassed him and walked into the yard.

Liu Yiyi didn't care about him, if he could have two women, couldn't she.

Even if you don't, say it to make him angry and sick for a while.

Whether it hurts or not, let's throw this away first.

It is a very happy thing for her to bring the slightest discomfort to the enemy.

You can bet on her all day long that she is unhappy, and find fault with her all day long, but she can't.Think beautiful.She is not a kind person.please remember!

" went to find a man?!" Qian Xuantian couldn't believe it was true.He asked through gritted teeth.

"You, you actually went to find that wild man?!"

He couldn't help but asked again, his eyes could burst into flames at this moment.This is definitely a huge hat for a man.

Qian Xuan is dead.He thought, last night, Yuelan told himself that this woman had been abnormally strong in the past two days, and told him to be more careful, maybe there might be someone outside, and now it seems... Now it seems that it is actually true yes...

Qian Xuantian hates...

However, when Qian Xuantian saw Liu Yiyi glance at him sideways, Qian Xuantian seemed to understand something again.

This woman is lying to herself!absolute!

She is really lying to herself!

Depend on!That's right, he thought, just now he obviously saw her come back with two children.

That is to say, all three of their mothers were together just now.They all went to the city together, went to the city to play!
Still looking for a man, looking for her a shitty man!It's good to have a man who wants you, and don't look at what advantages you have.

She already has two children. Has this woman forgotten that she has been out of date for a long time and has nothing to attract men.

At this time, Qian Xuantian had already forgotten that yesterday, when he ran into Liu Yiyi's room, he fell in love immediately after being bewitched by Liu Yiyi.

After Qian Xuantian thought it over immediately, to be honest, he felt unspeakably happy.

He also suddenly became in a very good mood, which can be said to be the complete opposite from just now.

At this moment, he even looked at the dead woman with some trepidation, looked at her seriously, and studied every subtle expression on her face.


(End of this chapter)

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