Chapter 831 Take it easy 4
Liu Yiyi sighed, this old woman dare not say anything else, but she likes all good things.She used to call it horse urine coffee, but now she tastes so comfortable... Liu Yiyi really admires it...

Although I don't like it, but people now fully know that this is a good thing. Naturally, it is absolutely necessary to drink as much as possible until I feel tired.

"Liu Yiyi, where did the coffee bean seeds in your family come from? I've been born and grown on this plain for so long, but I've never seen anything like this before. It's so delicious..."

"It smells good only after it's cooked. Ordinary people can't judge it. It's a waste to drink it... just treat it as horse urine..."

Liu Yiyi made a pun.But Qian was very angry.

Who told the old woman, horse urine, horse urine to say so many times.

"Liu Yiyi, you really love to hold grudges. You are a woman. Apart from this point, I rated you. You still know how to fight... Hehe..." Two cold hums fully showed that Qian's love Liu Yiyi's dissatisfied attitude.

Liu Yiyi really felt strange.

This old woman is very courageous today.She was beaten away by herself before and came back again, but she didn't dare to say that to herself, let alone use such eyes.This is how the same thing?

"Qian Shi, you don't want to live anymore?" Liu Yiyi squinted her eyes, her expression changed, making one feel that she was about to get angry.

"Don't want to live? Hmph, how is this possible! I want to live a good life, so, I have to rely on you, Liu Yiyi, can you let me rely on..."

Qian Hehe laughed again.


"Okay, okay...I won't say any more, I know you are a small woman, and if I just say a few words to you, you will be angry..."

The old woman Qian is now a person who accepts her when she sees it.Her belief was that she couldn't offend Liu Yiyi too hard.

However, Liu Yiyi can't let her live too comfortably!

"Mr. Qian, I forgot, there is still a pile of firewood in the backyard... You will find time to chop it later..."

Liu Yiyi thought to herself, I still can't deal with you old woman.

Make you work, and I'm torturing you.snort!

"Liu Yiyi, chopping firewood is too tiring...I can't cut it..."

"That's fine, deduct it from your salary..."

Qian smiled.Don't you love money the most?I can do it too!You have too many weaknesses.

"Where do I get paid..." What Qian said was just random.Desperately, Liu Yiyi must have had a brain twitch, so she forgot such an important matter, haha...

Liu Yiyi also laughed, "What I mean is, I will deduct it from your wages in the future, and then settle it with you...Trust me, I won't forget..."

"You, you woman..." Qian jumped up, very angry.

Money is extremely important to the current Qian family.This time, Qian Shi walked outside once, but she used up all her money.

No, I urgently need to make money.But Liu Yiyi is a woman who always thinks of ways to cheat.

Liu Yiyi doesn't care about this.

Who let this old woman find herself and mess with herself.

The two little guys did not know what they had discussed in the house. Liu Yiyi was sitting outside to enjoy the shade when she saw them hugging their bun sister and planning to go outside for a stroll.

(End of this chapter)

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