Chapter 838 Take it easy 11
"What? What are you talking about him?" Qian Duoduo managed to put on his clothes, and finally hid his alluring little body.He hurried forward to find out exactly what his mother said about this brat.

"Anyway, he's in our kitchen now..." Liu Yiyi shrugged.In fact, it's not easy for her to talk too much about Zhou Xiaobao.

This Zhou Xiaobao is certainly annoying, but he is not her own son, so what right does she have to say anything about him.

It can't be said that it is only natural to tell her son in front of her son that she has done what she should do.

Liu Yiyi's words obviously surprised the two little buns in front of her, including the bun sister who was doing counting fingers alone on the kang.

"Yeah, mom, what did you do?"

Inside the house, the three buns in Liu Yiyi's family suddenly had a bad feeling.

My own mother, can they still not understand enough?

I understand, sometimes my mother is a little silly.Especially not knowing to guard against certain people.

As far as Baozi was concerned, his mother only knew to be on guard against adults, but for some shrewd brats, my mother would never take him seriously.

That's why, this made the three buns in Liu Yiyi's family go crazy.

Qian Duoduo hurriedly put on his shoes.

"Mother, you, you..." The two buns couldn't say anything about Liu Yiyi, the most important thing now was to go and have a look in their own kitchen.See how the enemy is doing.

But it must not be what they imagined in their minds just now.

Liu Yiyi scratched her head, went over first, helped her daughter put on the little clothes, then helped her daughter to hug her, let her go to the bathroom, after cleaning up, Liu Yiyi helped her daughter tidy up her head Liu Yiyi came out with her own daughter.

Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang just rushed out of their bedroom.

When Qian Guangguang and Qian Duoduo were about to step into the kitchen at the same time, a brat ran out of the kitchen and touched his belly.

"You, you..." Qian Guangguang and Qian Duoduo were shocked.

"Why are you here? What were you doing in there just now..." Although they heard about it from their mother, they saw this little devil come out of their kitchen with their own eyes. It is even more unacceptable.

The two boys blocked Zhou Xiaobao.Don't let him take another step.

"I, hehehe... I ate my breakfast just now, ah, your mother's craftsmanship is really well-deserved, and you two brats showed off in front of me before, um, it seems that this is really good. Yes, you didn’t lie to me, I’m quite satisfied after I tasted it today... Well, don’t thank me too much for my most pertinent evaluation, I still have something to do now, and I don’t want to get entangled with you two brats..."

Right now, these two groups of little fellows are already at the point where their swords are at war.

When Liu Yiyi came out, they seemed to be fighting again.

"Okay, Duoduo, Guangguang, don't make a fuss, go in and have breakfast, after breakfast, we have to go out to do business, fortunately, my mother invited someone to make dim sum in the afternoon yesterday. Well... now I have plenty of time in the morning."

Liu Yiyi was there, hugging her daughter, and said frightenedly.

(End of this chapter)

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