Chapter 841 Take it easy 14
"Mr. Qian, have you eaten all your breakfast..." Liu Yiyi asked again.

Qian's is getting a little angry now, because Qian thinks that he has explained it so many times, but what's wrong is that no one believes him yet.

Qian was furious.

However, Qian Shi analyzed the cause and effect, and Qian Shi believed that Liu Yiyi would not have prepared breakfast, but she refused to let herself eat it, and even hid it. If she wanted to hide it, then she must leave her next time .

However, it is impossible for Liu Yiyi to have a chance to leave her in the future, because after breakfast, Liu Yiyi will take them to the city to do small business.

So, after Qian's analysis of the cause and effect, in this way, Qian has locked down the final suspect.

And the suspect was Zhou Xiaobao who was standing there at this moment, secretly looking at him.

"Damn! I have lived most of my life, my old lady, and I have never capsized in a gutter. Now, what's going on..."

Qian Shi rushed towards Zhou Xiaobao angrily.

Liu Yiyi sighed, and quickly supported Zhou Shi.

Now, when Zhou saw Liu Yiyi, he yelled: "Liu Yiyi, don't make a mistake, this, this is..."

"Okay, I got it..." Liu Yiyi was not stupid, after finding no clues on Qian's face, Liu Yiyi knew who the culprit was.

Liu Yiyi thinks it's okay, her son is already unhappy with this little bun, if she reveals who the target suspect is, I'm afraid the world will be in chaos.

Liu Yiyi was in a hurry and didn't plan to say any more.

In this way, Qian Shi really quit.

Why, this didn't make her a suspect, but it didn't give her a chance to clear her suspicions.

She has always thought that Qian Shi did it by herself, so she admits that if she didn't do it by herself, she will definitely clean up for herself.

Now, the brat in front of him is planning to suppress himself.

Qian Shi was about to be pissed off by this brat in front of him.

"Zhou Xiaobao, you are doing well, you ate it yourself, but you didn't say anything, you bad boy..."

"What!" Qian Duoduo mumbled and asked.

"What!" Qian Guangguang also grumbled and asked.

All of a sudden, it can be regarded as noisy again.

Liu Yiyi couldn't take it anymore.

"Okay, let's go to the city to buy and eat today... Mother has money..."

Liu Yiyi was powerless, just like Fan Seng said, it might be too late now.

"Yiyi... Yiyi..." Sister Baozi pointed to a bowl of custard in front of her.This one has not been eaten by Zhou Xiaobao.

So, after Sister Baozi saw it, she immediately asked Liu Yiyi to hurry up and take her away to eat.

Liu Yiyi walked over with Sister Baozi in her arms, and said to the people beside her, "Clean up and put on the bullock cart, I guess we will get two cows today... Also, put on the dragging cow yesterday, too. I can't let it stay at home and be lazy..."

Liu Yiyi has always remembered this cow.

Fanseng went out to set up the car, no matter what Qian said, he was always better than Liu Yiyi who had been busy all morning and hadn't eaten anything yet.

Because Qian shi ate a lot.

Qian moved all the dim sum that Liu Yiyi made yesterday afternoon outside.

(End of this chapter)

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