Chapter 857
"Then Qian, go get it..." Liu Yiyi waved her hand and walked outside.In a big basket outside, there is ten catties of pork belly bought in the city today.

She is going to clean up now, wash it, cut it into thin slices, and marinate it with sauce. At noon, she plans to put it under the grape shelf and have a good meal with her son...

After listening to Liu Yiyi's words, Mrs. Qian felt very pleasant.

It seemed that Liu Yiyi hadn't vented her resentment towards the old man and his son on herself.

That's good.Qian Shi was very happy, so she went to take down the pancake fruit pot.


Old man Qian was at home, and he and his son boiled two large pots of hot water.One pot per person, start to wash the whole body.

When both of them have finished packing up. "Father, why hasn't mother come back...I'm hungry..."

"Hmph, that dead old woman probably won't come back..." Old man Qian still didn't know that he was an old woman.

"This, can't it? When I came back just now, I saw all of my mother's clothes in my room. This means that my mother was also kicked out by Liu Yiyi..."

For this matter, old man Qian naturally knew it in his heart.

However, to old man Qian, this was not the point.The point is...

"Why does your mother have such a good relationship with Liu Yiyi?

Did your mother know Liu Yiyi's secret?
This woman Liu Yiyi, it is said that after we stole her daughter's silver bracelet, shouldn't she be so kind to her?
Son, don't you think this is very weird? "

Regarding this statement, Qian Xuantian naturally believed it to be true.

However, what can be done about this.

Qian Xuantian thought that what is the use of talking about the current affairs of his family.

In fact, it is only possible for my own mother to talk to them in person.Obviously, it can be seen from Qian's attitude towards their father and son just now.Qian didn't really want to be with them anymore.

"Hmph, what are you worried about? This dead old woman is still my woman... Seeing her come back, how will I deal with her at night..." old man Qian muttered like this, in front of his son.

Qian Xuantian blushed a little, this father, why did he say such words in front of him.

Qian Xuantian was embarrassed.Why isn't his father ashamed?

Qian Xuantian was a little helpless.

Qian Xuantian said that he was hungry now.

"Wait... I think the old woman will be able to get something to eat from Liu Yiyi after she comes back... She shouldn't be so heartless..."

When they came back just now, they each got two cucumbers in the vegetable garden of Liu Yiyi's house and weighed their stomachs. It wasn't that they didn't want to get something else to eat.It's just that the two big dogs in Liu Yiyi's house are really hateful, and they howled when they saw him passing by.

The old man called Qian was really upset.

But when they went to Liu Yiyi's yard again, they saw one of the two dogs following them closely.

No, it's endless...


At home, Liu Yiyi made another egg custard for Sister Baozi, added minced meat and vegetables to it, and after feeding Sister Baozi, she stood aside and watched them eat barbecue...

Sister Baozi didn't toss around, but her mouth moved up and down following Liu Yiyi's chewing movements.

Sister Baozi's eyes looked at his mother Liu Yiyi pitifully.

(End of this chapter)

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