Tough concubine: to make a fortune from the splendid pastoral

Chapter 881 You Can Understand the Principles of Doing Business 4

Chapter 881 You Can Understand the Principles of Doing Business 4
Liu Yiyi nodded her head.

No matter what the middle-aged man said, he is also a shopkeeper.

Although his dim sum shop is a bit small, he has never met such a stingy woman.

He clearly saw that there were two teeth marks on the piece of snack she handed him.

What does this mean? This means that this piece of snack has been eaten by someone before.

This all made the middle-aged man grit his teeth angrily.

Liu Yiyi's indifferent attitude was completely suitable for a middle-aged man, and she was so angry that the flames strangled Lao Gao.

Qian Shi watched carefully from the side, and Qian Shi laughed.Qian Shi thought, this Liu Yiyi really has the ability, you see, this Liu Yiyi is actually able to make everyone other than herself mad.

This woman is much more ruthless than herself.She seems... Qian seems to have seen a little problem from this, from this.

Qian Shi thought, no, Qian Shi felt that Qian Shi seemed to have smelled something from here.Liu Yiyi didn't seem to care about it at all, and she pissed off the other party by herself.Moreover, although she seems to be sincerely thinking about the other party on the surface.However, the result.As a result, for Qian Shi, it really made Qian Shi feel that it was very obvious that Liu Yiyi was in shock...

Depend on!This woman, I really made Qian not know what to say about her, this woman...

If you still want to do business like this, is this business started in this way?
This business, huh... Before, Qian had hoped that Liu Yiyi could make some money, but after observing this time, she believed that Liu Yiyi's good luck would never come back.

There will be no more, which means that Liu Yiyi's speed of making money in the future will at least slow down a lot.Yes or no?

For Qian Shi, this is also a good thing, anyway, Liu Yiyi's money, in Qian Shi's opinion, is already enough.

Qian Shi didn't care, Qian Shi pointed to Liu Yiyi's nose, Qian Shi called out like this:
"Liu Yiyi, what did you do, give someone a piece of snack that has been eaten by others... This, this is still half a piece... You, hurry up, hurry up and change it for someone..."

Qian Shi muttered.

Qian seems to want to see Liu Yiyi make a fool of himself.

Qian's actions made the monk frown.Fan Seng was thinking, does this old woman really want to help Liu Yiyi?Hmph... Isn't this too obvious?

This old woman's behavior this time is to see Liu Yiyi's misfortune, to see Liu Yiyi's embarrassment...

Why is this old woman thinking so viciously? She was fine just now, and she seemed to be thinking of Liu Yiyi everywhere.Alas, Liu Yiyi is also very unlucky... Having such a mother-in-law, but this can be regarded as the past, and now, the Qian family is nothing to Liu Yiyi...

Originally, the middle-aged man who took the half piece of dim sum from Liu Yiyi's hand already thought he was unlucky enough.

He thought, since there are not many people to see, quickly put it in the sleeve pocket first, which made him eat half a piece of snack that was chewed by others, which is really hard to swallow .No matter how delicious the dim sum is, there is still a shadow in his heart.

Now, it's really... because this old woman, with her mouth, broke the matter, and made the people around her quickly focus on him...

(End of this chapter)

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