Tough concubine: to make a fortune from the splendid pastoral

Chapter 883 You Can Understand the Principles of Doing Business 6

Chapter 883 You Can Understand the Principles of Doing Business 6
"Come on, little brother, weigh me [-] catties of coffee biscuits...the taste is really good. I bought a little less last time. When I went back, the more I ate, the more aftertaste. These days, I can't Waiting for your stall, I thought about buying some, but who knows, you didn't come out to set up a stall..."

"Well, this is twenty catties, I'm sorry, uncle..." Qian Guangguang was the first to object.

"Huh? What's going on..." The other party was a little confused.What the hell does this mean?
"I said that we have a purchase limit today, as usual...that's it..."

"Why, why is this, I have money?"

"It doesn't matter if you have money... You see, there are still many customers behind, and you bought 20 catties all at once. We only made more than [-] catties of each dim sum today. Then you want to make all the customers behind you Is it a free game today?"

Two steamed buns really made the customers in the back feel very relieved, yes, they have been waiting for how many days today.At least I have to get some to go home today, meaning, hurry up and send them to those big houses.

The taste of these snacks has captured many guests in their county.

Now, what they want to do is, no matter what, they can't let the guy in front buy them all at once. As for the future, we can only talk about it after each of them has bought it.

"Yes, you bastard, don't be too greedy, everyone has been waiting here for a long time, you bought so much at once by yourself, what did you let the rest of us do, did the business leave you alone I want to monopolize it..."

The guy behind started to curse, and scolded the middle-aged man in front hard enough.

Because of this, Liu Yiyi lowered her head, her eyes suddenly became much brighter.It seems that it is really...

These people are just as I estimated.And it's not bad at all.Now it is even more anxious.

With a smile on the corner of Liu Yiyi's mouth, she stretched out her hand and pinched her gluttonous daughter's chin.

"Yiyi..." Sister Baozi was staring at a lot of snacks, and her saliva was about to flow out.She didn't understand, what was her mother doing to pinch her chin at this time?
"Yiyi..." Sister Baozi's puzzled eyes flicked and flicked, and then she glanced at Liu Yiyi's face.It was very difficult for her to draw her eyes back from the big box full of snacks.

Liu Yiyi smiled, but did not explain to her daughter.

"Mother will make some money later, so I'll buy you a gadget... let you choose it yourself?"

Liu Yiyi is already very sure of making money.

Qian Shi glanced at Liu Yiyi, and Qian Shi began to maintain order.

"Stand up, each person can only buy a maximum of two catties, no matter what it is, you can only buy two catties, if there is too much, what do you want the customers behind to do? We are also for your own good, so don't make a fuss .”

"How can this work? Last time I could buy at least five catties, but today I can only buy two catties. Isn't this too exaggerated... Well, why do you do this business..."

Some people began to be dissatisfied, and they seemed very, very dissatisfied.

Liu Yiyi and Qian Shi didn't take them seriously at all.

Hmph, things belong to them, so it's useless for you to yell and scream, you can buy them if you want, and you can come in if you don't want to.If you pick a problem, I won't sell you a catty.

(End of this chapter)

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