Tough concubine: to make a fortune from the splendid pastoral

Chapter 888 Zhou Xiaobao's Bad Thoughts 1

Chapter 888 Zhou Xiaobao's Bad Thoughts 1
Seeing the girl in her arms, Liu Yiyi was also stunned.Liu Yiyi smiled: "See, you're not the only one who likes candy, there are too many people who like candy, they've all grabbed it, if you want to eat...the only one is..."

"Yiyi..." Sister Baozi asked: What, what is it... Yiyi...

"Only when you grow up, you can run away by yourself, and then go grab it..."

The aggrieved sister Baozi curled up in Liu Yiyi's arms, as sad as she heard this.Looking at this small appearance, Liu Yiyi really felt good.

I see you are still greedy.Mom, I can still cure you...

Sister Baozi lost her energy all of a sudden, and Sister Baozi drooped her head, as if she had lost a lot of motivation.

The money came back quickly.

Followed by Zhou Xiaobao who was screaming. "You bad woman...I'll go home and tell my grandma...let her teach you a lesson..."

Zhou Xiaobao couldn't teach Qian Shi a lesson by himself, so he could only move his grandma out...

This time, it really made Zhou Shi angry.Just based on what you said today, you brat... Hmph, I, Qian, insist on doing this, no matter how much candy you buy in the future, I will snatch more than half of it from you...

Because Zhou Xiaobao suffered a heavy loss, when he returned to Sister Baozi, he had a bitter expression on his face.

Sister Baozi turned her head and stopped looking at him.It's really useless... Yiyi is right, this steamed bun is unreliable, this steamed bun is unreliable,...just being provoked by Qian, he suddenly became like this...

Zhou Xiaobao also strongly felt that sister Baozi was despising him.

What can Zhou Xiaobao do?
Liu Yiyi was helping her two sons clean up the booth.

"You made a lot of money today, right?" Liu Yiyi stared at the two sons who were greedy for money.

"Well, quite a lot, really quite a lot..." After saying this, Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang had already carefully carried Liu Yiyi behind their backs, and made such movements with their buttocks towards Liu Yiyi.

It seems that they are worried that their mother will come and steal their money...

Liu Yiyi despised it in her heart.

"Okay, when we go back, let's do the math with my mother... Brothers and sisters have to settle accounts clearly, so should we..."

Liu Yiyi stretched out her hand, and hit the two sons in front of her who really made her feel that they had no future.

"Ga... ga... Mother, what are you talking about, we are mother and son, but we are closer than brothers..."

Liu Yiyi was unwilling to talk to them.

What does mother and child matter, mother and child also have to settle accounts.

Who made you treat money like your is necessary.

Liu Yiyi's expression already explained the problem very well.

When the booth was cleared up, Liu Yiyi turned around and went to pick up Sister Baozi.

However, at this moment, Sister Baozi had a smile on her face.I don't know why I became so happy all of a sudden.

Liu Yiyi really felt strange.

Liu Yiyi also asked Fan Seng and Qian Shi, but neither of them noticed.

Liu Yiyi went to look for Zhou Xiaobao again, she left for a while just now, it was this kid who stayed by her daughter's side...

"You, did you do something to my daughter?" Liu Yiyi narrowed her eyes.

"Gah... what can I do, Aunt Liu, don't talk softly, okay?"

Liu Yiyi was angry...

There is something wrong with this bag.

And he still didn't want to be honest with himself.This made Liu Yiyi feel very angry.

(End of this chapter)

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