Tough concubine: to make a fortune from the splendid pastoral

Chapter 893 Zhou Xiaobao's Bad Thoughts 6

Chapter 893 Zhou Xiaobao's Bad Thoughts 6
"But mother, I still want to stay inside..."

Liu Yiyi had no choice but to follow the two buns.

Liu Yiyi went to take Sister Baozi out... Little Sister Baozi actually didn't want to leave.

Liu Yiyi didn't care if she wanted to or not.This can't help her...

She is so petite, how can she stay in such a hot kitchen.

"Hey, bridesmaid, sit and rest under the grape shelf..." Liu Yiyi forcibly took Sister Baozi away.

Liu Baoling felt a little unhappy.

But there is nothing I can do about my own mother.

Liu Yiyi carried her daughter to the side of the recliner and sat down first, then picked up a small towel at the side, took a little cold water, and wiped Sister Baozi's face.

This sister Baozi is like me, she really sweats easily...

Look, just for a while, this sister Baozi was almost soaked through. ...

It's not really summer yet.

It was actually quite hot in ancient times...

It's a pity that Liu Yiyi only knew how to make dim sum in her previous life. If she had learned something else at that time, she might have been able to make a small fan for Sister Baozi.

Alas... Poor sister Baozi, this summer will be as difficult as myself...

"Sit down obediently, mother will go to the well for you, and bring up the basket of fruit that was put down in the morning for you to eat?"

Liu Yiyi talked to her daughter.

"Well, Yiyi..." The little sister Baozi nodded seriously.Still urging Liu Yiyi to go and come back quickly.

"Oh..." The weather is really hot.

Liu Yiyi quickly ran to the backyard, and met her daughter's little pet monster on the way, "Go, help me watch my daughter go..." Liu Yiyi waved at it.

When Liu Yiyi came back with the fruit, Liu Yiyi didn't find the little monster and sister Baozi...

Liu Yiyi was frightened immediately.

"Yiyi... Yiyi..."

Liu Yiyi suddenly heard her daughter calling her again, following the voice, she hurriedly turned her head to look.What I saw was that bastard, who suddenly appeared in his yard again today.

"Why are you here?" Liu Yiyi's face was ugly. "Give me back my daughter..."

Liu Yiyi looked in the direction they came from just now, probably because his daughter asked for a smaller size just now, so he took her to the toilet...

"Liu Yiyi, are you still angry?" The tone seemed to be asking, but for Liu Yiyi, her mood had already been so calm that she could no longer be calm.

Liu Yiyi didn't want to give this man another chance at all.

Their relationship has long since ended.

"Give me the child!" Liu Yiyi's face was very ugly.

"I also have a share in this child!" Wang Qi suppressed his anger.

This child doesn't even recognize himself when he sees him now.

She could already speak, but he, the father, didn't know it yet.It was so hard for this woman to lie to him. When he knew that she had a child and wanted to live a good life with her, she drove him away mercilessly.

"You have a share too? Hehe..." Liu Yiyi's eyes instantly turned cold, this was the funniest joke she had ever heard.

"Liu Baoling, this guy wants to bully your mother, what do you let this guy hold don't want to eat fruit anymore?" Liu Yiyi simply tempted her with her daughter's favorite food.

"Yiyi, Yiyi..." Sister Baozi anxiously ran from Wang Qi's arms to the opposite mother's arms.

(End of this chapter)

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