Tough concubine: to make a fortune from the splendid pastoral

Chapter 895 Zhou Xiaobao’s Careful Thoughts 8

Chapter 895 Zhou Xiaobao’s Careful Thoughts 8
Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang, the two buns, stared wide at this moment.

Liu Yiyi sighed.With a smile on his face.This is a comfortable smile.Look, the child she raised, even the youngest and ignorant sister Baozi in front of her, but she also knew who she would choose to follow.

"Don't worry, this bastard doesn't dare to come over and snatch your sister... At most, he'll just hold your sister for fun..."

"Hmph, that's not going to work. Mom, let me tell you what to do. Why did you give this bastard a chance..."

Liu Yiyi felt that she was really wronged.Liu Yiyi glanced at Sister Baozi, her little mouth was moving.

Where is the time to take care of this.

Liu Yiyi has a big head, even if Sister Baozi talked to her, she still couldn't explain to herself.At most, a few words of simple syllables are pronounced.

Only Liu Yiyi can explain it by herself. "Mom, I went to the well to get fruit for your sister. When he came back, he hugged your sister and just walked over from the toilet..."

Liu Yiyi's answer still did not satisfy the two buns.

This time, Liu Yiyike became angry. "Didn't that mother tell you to come out just now? You don't want to come out yourself, are you blaming me?"

"Mother, no, no..."

Liu Yiyi was so angry that she didn't want to listen to the explanation.

"Oh, look, brother, we made my mother angry." Qian Guangguang groaned.


After the meal, Liu Yiyi took her daughter and Zhou Xiaobao who hadn't left to enjoy the shade in the yard.

"Son, go and bring the money I earned today to my mother..." Until now, Liu Yiyi still doesn't know how much money she earned today?
"Mother, didn't you say that we will be in charge of the money in the future?" When Qian Duoduo heard this, he and Qian Guangguang felt extremely heartbroken.

Liu Yiyi really wanted to go over and beat them up, these two buns shouldn't be so greedy.

Liu Yiyi asked them: "Whose food is yours? Mother's, right? Who made this snack? Mother made it, right? Hand it over quickly... Mother will save some for your sister in the future." What about the dowry..."

Liu Yiyi's words made the two little guys feel too funny.

Is my mother too anxious?Before they even asked for a daughter-in-law, they had already started arranging for their sister's dowry.

So, they immediately refuted.

"By the way, mother, what about the money for us to marry a wife in the future..."

"That's right, that's right...My brother and I are going to marry a wife at the same time, because we were born at the same time, I have to marry a wife with my brother..." Qian Guangguang looked at Liu Yiyi cautiously.

Liu Yiyi completely ignored them.

The small coffers of these two steamed buns, Liu Yiyi can say, have completely exceeded her own predictions.

It is estimated that even in the city at this time, no one can compare them casually.And, look, they're still calling themselves poor.

Just as Qian Duoduo, Qian Guangguang and his mother were discussing the big issues in life, Zhou Xiaobao rushed in again.

"Ah, ah... what are you doing, stealing food behind my back... Yo, look, you can all eat oranges, my mother bought me an orange before, it's so precious... you guys The family is really rich..."

Zhou Xiaobao was very envious, and at the same time, he used his hands and feet spontaneously, just like Qian Duoduo and Qian Guangguang, to climb up the big kang of Liu Yiyi's house...

(End of this chapter)

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