Tough concubine: to make a fortune from the splendid pastoral

Chapter 897 Zhou Xiaobao’s Careful Thoughts 10

Chapter 897 Zhou Xiaobao’s Careful Thoughts 10
Qian Shi rolled her eyes at the side, but even Fan Seng thought that Liu Yiyi was really good at acting.

In this way, it is estimated that the people on the opposite side, who have been fooled until now, do not know that they have entered the trap set by Liu Yiyi for a period of time.

Qian and Fan Seng didn't know what Liu Yiyi's real purpose was at first.But, later, after talking too much with Liu Yiyi, they seemed to sniff a little out of it.

This Liu Yiyi's ambition is not ordinary.

Liu Yiyi intends to be a wholesaler of dim sum in the county.

Nowadays, the most famous snacks in the county are these two made by Liu Yiyi.

Everyone who has eaten it is full of praise.Therefore, it can be said that even after getting along with Liu Yiyi for a period of time now, no matter how idiotic they are, they can know what Liu Yiyi actually wants to do.

If Liu Yiyi was allowed to do this, then Liu Yiyi probably wouldn't have to worry about making money in her entire life.

Anyone outside who likes to eat will come over and buy it at Liu Yiyi's house.

Liu Yiyi has made a super big business. It can even be said that according to what Liu Yiyi said last time: Liu Yiyi has now monopolized these two snacks in all dim sum shops in the county.

It can be said that Liu Yiyi basically did nothing.

She just mastered the eagerness of the shopkeepers in those dim sum shops, a little bit.

In this way, the shopkeeper of the dim sum shop helped Liu Yiyi to make a good sale to those wealthy families in the county.

That's what Qian admires Liu Yiyi.

"Okay, if things go well in the future, we won't have to go to the city to do business anymore, we just need to stay at home and collect money every day..."

"Of course, Liu Yiyi, it may be enough for you to sit and collect money, but, Liu Yiyi, you have to understand that we have to work..." Qian's heart inevitably felt unbalanced.

"Then do you still want to make money?" Liu Yiyi asked her back.


"Hehe...well, what are you talking about, Mrs. Qian? From now on, at least for us, we don't have to go to the city every day. I'm too busy..." Fan Seng didn't want to waste time on the road every day.

After Liu Yiyi returned to the village, she found Old Man Qiao.

"What's the matter, Liu Yiyi, are you planning to set up a dessert processing workshop in the village? Also, plan to invite the village women who are free in the village to help you make desserts?"

"Yes, old man Joe, don't worry, the salary is easy to talk about, and they won't treat them badly... You think, this is also a way for everyone to get rich, don't you think?"

That's what Old Man Qiao was waiting for Liu Yiyi to say.

Old man Joe was happy this time.

"Well, well, Liu Yiyi, what you said is really right..." Old man Qiao was very happy.

In this way, old man Qiao was able to make many village women in the village who had nothing to do on weekdays but still gossip in their daily routines take good care of them. .

With the money in front of them, they wouldn't be so stupid and unwilling to do it, would they?

Liu Yiyi also said: "Of course, this worker must have clean hands and feet. If they like to make trouble, I won't agree...

(End of this chapter)

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